Distance: 11.9km/7.3m Ascent 128m
Fabulous views from Lollover Hill and return over the moors
Occasional mud after wet weather. Moderate climb to the summit of Lollover Hill
Comments to [email protected] Updated April 2024
Fabulous views from Lollover Hill and return over the moors
Occasional mud after wet weather. Moderate climb to the summit of Lollover Hill
Comments to [email protected] Updated April 2024
Leave car park and turn R along West Street. At The Triangle, fork R by the post box towards Langport, continue ahead to the mini-roundabout, bear R and at Fire Station go straight ahead into Etsome Terrace. Continue 300m past Memorial Garden and former school and where road bears L go straight ahead down Brockle Hill. At end turn R and immediately L (SP Viaduct Fishery) to descend steeply down to the Cary valley. Follow this road as it winds along the valley past the sewage works until after 2 Km a T-junction is reached just beyond Etsome Dairy Farm. Turn R, cross the Cary bridge and after the large house, take the track on the right (SP Littleton ½m) and almost immediately L following an enclosed path for 600m. Cross a sleeper bridge to a metal gate and bear slightly L across field to reach a footbridge by a tree. Continue with the hedge on the right to a waymarked stream crossing. From here, aim to R of the barn ahead and once over stile, pass to R of barn to reach a road via a stile beside the metal gate. Turn L along the road for 700m through the village of Dundon, passing a long thatched building. Shortly after and just before the “No through road” sign (but detour ahead 100m if you wish to see the church) go L (SP Lollover Hill ¾m) along a path between hedges to reach a broad track. Turn R and follow as it bears L and ascends to a gate then bear L to follow a faint track to the top of the hill and a triangulation pillar. For such a modest climb to only 90m above sea level, the reward is one of the best views in the county – from Glastonbury Tor, the Hood Monument and the Mendip Hills round to the Polden Hills and the Quantocks and far views to the south of Somerset and Dorset. Bear R to descend down another faint path to a gate. Continue, descending 250m with the hedge on R and 50m before the trough, go R over a sleeper bridge and gate and descend along the right hand side of the field to another stile, a short track and a tarmac lane. Turn L and follow the lane 750m past Bartletts Farm then it becomes a track to a gate. Go through gate, do not go sharp left, but bear L and head across the field to reach a waymarked sleeper bridge (slippery when damp) and stile at a hedge gap (about 70m L of the R corner of the field). Continue 400m with hedge on L to reach a narrow track to the side of a modern house to reach a stile into a track. Turn R and continue to Lower Hayes Farm, turning L immediately after the first barn, then R just before the field, into a muddy track. Follow this track across the moor with its rich black soil and after 1.2Km cross Somerton Door Bridge over the river Cary. Pass the last house on L and after a further 200m, turn L into a track opposite a telegraph pole (no SP). Continue ahead as the track ascends sharply and becomes a tarmac lane - Bradley Hill Lane. After 1.2Km of tarmac road at a T-junction, turn R into Northfield. After 400m at the main Langport Road go L, cross the pedestrian crossing then fork R into West End and after another 200m fork L at the grass triangle into Camden Road. At the end of a row of terraced cottages the road bears sharply L and continues to emerge into West Street. Here, turn R past The Triangle to reach the car park.