Distance: 11.8Km/7.3m Ascent 104m
Etsome Hill, a walk across the moors and through Littleton
The section across the moors can be fairly muddy in winter and in wet spells
Comments to [email protected] Updated April 2024
Etsome Hill, a walk across the moors and through Littleton
The section across the moors can be fairly muddy in winter and in wet spells
Comments to [email protected] Updated April 2024
Leave car park and turn R along West Street. At The Triangle, fork R by the post box towards Langport and take second road on L, West End. After 250m turn R along Camden Road and at grass triangle R again. At main road cross pedestrian crossing, go L and almost immediately R through a pedestrian section to reach Northfield and after 500m at a T junction just beyond the new school building turn L by sign “Cary Way” into a No Through Road. Follow this level road with excellent views to Copley Wood and Gilling Down, with its coloured strata. After 1Km the road starts to descend and 300m further on, turn L into Grove Lane, a broad track (SP Bridleway) and enjoy the views to High Ham and across to Somerton Moor and passing a large solar panel array. After 1.3Km at top of sharp incline, turn R by fingerpost to descend 400m, steeply at first, to reach a tarmac road. Turn R to pass Somerton Door Farm, cross the bridge over the River Cary and at the end of the bridge parapet, turn R (SP Etsome Bridge ¾m) alongside the serene River Cary. Follow the river 1.4Km to reach a small footbridge and emerge near Etsome Farm. Turn L and after passing Etsome House, bear R along a track (SP Littleton ½m) and after 300m go over a stream, through a Bristol gate and follow the well-defined track across field. Under a power line go ahead through Bristol gate and cross second field with hedge on L to emerge at a broad cross track by a new farm building. Turn R and follow for 750m through the hamlet of Littleton to reach the busy B3151. Turn L and follow with great care for 300m and turn R (no SP) through a metal gate almost opposite a farm track. Go 400m along the field with the hedge on L, then across a footbridge and continue again with the hedge on L to the top of the second field and cross stile on L. Turn R after the stile to head up a shallow gully through woods for 100m to a second stile. Climb the steps up the steep bank ahead to a waymark and continue straight across the field aiming for a tarmac track to L of the modern house. Continue along this track 500m and just beyond the large barn on L, go through the metal gate on R and go down the field with hedge on R through a Bristol gate to emerge by a cottage on to a tarmac lane. Go ahead under the railway bridge and follow the lane for 650m to join the B3153. Bear R and continue with care for 250m to a T-junction. Turn L, cross over and follow the pavement as it crosses the Cary Bridge with a fine view of the railway viaduct. After 250m at the end of the pavement, turn R (SP Somerton) and after 100m, by a small gas installation building, bear L up a grassy track to emerge in New Street. Continue straight ahead to reach Cow Square and then continue ahead to L of the restored trough and Old Hall. Just beyond a row of cottages turn L and follow the path through the churchyard to reach the Market Square. Turn R into West Street, along which the car park is reached on R.