Yeovil Bus Station to East Coker 13.8Km 207m ascent
August 2022 Reviewed March 2023 Comments to [email protected]
Yeovil Bus Station to East Coker 13.8Km 207m ascent
August 2022 Reviewed March 2023 Comments to [email protected]
1.1 (GR 560 161) Leave the bus station in a SE direction passing to L of the William Dampier pub to traffic lights. Go ahead past restaurants and cross into Yeo Leisure Park. Beyond the last building on the L, go L 50m to bridge by car park office, then go R and follow footway 100m and go L over a bridge, through a small park area and continue to a gate leading to the busy Newton Road. Do not go through gate, but bear R with hedge on L and climb to a kissing gate. Go through and go R alongside fence climbing very steeply with good view of Yeovil. Go through kissing gate then bear L to kissing gate next to wooden gate. Go ahead then bear slightly L to gate to L of trees then a gate to track and go L, descending gently 400m to climb steps on R. Cross field on clear path to steps down to a road. Go straight across into track (SP Rexey’s Hollow) and follow 800m passing Jack the Treacle Eater to reach a road. Go L 200m then R through gate at Rexey’s Hollow Campsite and follow track 100m to pedestrian gate then narrow path 100m to join broad tarmac track. Cross and follow faint path opposite to cross bridge and ascend steps. 50m beyond, go through another gate and more steps and follow path round garden area to go along a row of cottages to a track. The entrance to Yeovil Junction station is 60m L.
1.2 (GR 568 139) Go R up track to gate and follow L boundary of field 300m. At end of field go 90 degrees R for 120m then L through hedge gap and ahead 120m to gate and steps down to road. Go L and follow 80m to junction then L under railway bridge and after 70m ascend steps on L just beyond house number 14. Follow path 60m to road then go R descending gently 150m to crossroads. Go straight ahead 100m to cross bridge then ahead with care 200m and go R into concrete drive of Cowpool Farm. After 400m when concrete ends go ahead on stony track to reach gate. Go L along fence 250m to woods then go R along edge of wood for 750m. When woods end go ahead on broad grassy track 900m to pass to R of house and continue along tarmac drive 300m. At road go R 450m to crossroads then L (SP A37) for 250m and when road bears R go ahead into path for 200m to reach A37. Cross with great care and follow tarmac path 300m to road. Go R and follow road 750m past Closworth church and go R at Corner Cottage. Follow this meandering country lane 1.9Km and just before crossroads go L along short track to view Sutton Bingham reservoir.
1.3 (GR 557 114) Return to the crossroads go L and follow for 850m passing the retaining wall for the reservoir and under railway bridge to a junction. Go L 500m and at top of rise by Hyde Farm go R along track (no sign).
After 500m at junction go R descending for 150m and follow as track bears L. After 200m where track bears R go ahead through ornamental gateway and go straight ahead for 500m roughly parallel to wooden fence and high stone wall to reach gate by East Coker church (GR 539 122)
There is a bus service between Yeovil and Tellis Cross (1.2Km walk) For timetables see
Suggested transport plan:
Park near East Coker church and take small lane opposite Almshouses. After 100m go R into Back Lane and follow 200m to end of tarmac, then 150m to reach road. Continue 350m to grass triangle in middle of E Coker. Go R and walk 400m to Tellis Cross, North Coker, to bus stop. Catch bus to Yeovil walk back to E Coker.
1.2 (GR 568 139) Go R up track to gate and follow L boundary of field 300m. At end of field go 90 degrees R for 120m then L through hedge gap and ahead 120m to gate and steps down to road. Go L and follow 80m to junction then L under railway bridge and after 70m ascend steps on L just beyond house number 14. Follow path 60m to road then go R descending gently 150m to crossroads. Go straight ahead 100m to cross bridge then ahead with care 200m and go R into concrete drive of Cowpool Farm. After 400m when concrete ends go ahead on stony track to reach gate. Go L along fence 250m to woods then go R along edge of wood for 750m. When woods end go ahead on broad grassy track 900m to pass to R of house and continue along tarmac drive 300m. At road go R 450m to crossroads then L (SP A37) for 250m and when road bears R go ahead into path for 200m to reach A37. Cross with great care and follow tarmac path 300m to road. Go R and follow road 750m past Closworth church and go R at Corner Cottage. Follow this meandering country lane 1.9Km and just before crossroads go L along short track to view Sutton Bingham reservoir.
1.3 (GR 557 114) Return to the crossroads go L and follow for 850m passing the retaining wall for the reservoir and under railway bridge to a junction. Go L 500m and at top of rise by Hyde Farm go R along track (no sign).
After 500m at junction go R descending for 150m and follow as track bears L. After 200m where track bears R go ahead through ornamental gateway and go straight ahead for 500m roughly parallel to wooden fence and high stone wall to reach gate by East Coker church (GR 539 122)
There is a bus service between Yeovil and Tellis Cross (1.2Km walk) For timetables see
Suggested transport plan:
Park near East Coker church and take small lane opposite Almshouses. After 100m go R into Back Lane and follow 200m to end of tarmac, then 150m to reach road. Continue 350m to grass triangle in middle of E Coker. Go R and walk 400m to Tellis Cross, North Coker, to bus stop. Catch bus to Yeovil walk back to E Coker.