A (GR487285) Leave car park and turn R along West Street. At The Triangle by post box, fork R (SP Langport). After 200m go L into West End and after 200m where the road bears R into Camden Rd go ahead along tarmac path for 100m to reach steps down to Water Lane. Go R for 30m then L over slab stile and follow for 250m. At road, cross and go ahead along St Cleers for 200m to junction, then L and R into Farm Drive for 80m, then R and L into Ricksey Close. At the end, go through gate and follow gravel path across field. By houses, the path goes R then L to tarmac path then go L past bollards to Ricksey Lane. Go L and follow for 1Km ignoring R turn just beyond railway bridge to reach junction close to Somerton entry sign. Go R and follow with care for 400m to junction [2.7Km]
B (GR480275) Bear sharp R and follow, bearing L up a slight rise. At top turn R into lane (SP Munday’s Court Lane). After 800m at the end of the tarmac go straight along drive first between hedges then with hedge on L to reach a farm gate. Go through the gate and continue ahead along narrow track for 200m and follow as it goes L and descends gently with woods on R to end of woods [1.7Km]
C (GR468269) Go R (SP PF) along well-defined track through L edge of woods for 400m to reach a crossing track. Go R for 30m then L through kissing gate. Follow track for 100m down to another kissing gate then cross field with hedge on L to another kissing gate and track. After 200m at end of track go L for 100m to reach a road at a bend. Turn R ascending gently for 400m to reach crossroads in Upton. Go L and follow 400m to a crossroads with the busy A372. Go straight across into Batts Lane and after 250m ignore R turn by barn conversion. Continue for 300m to sharp R turn just beyond Lower Vedals Farm and 50m to sharp L [2.3Km]
D (GR456258) Go ahead into enclosed grass track. Follow for 400m and cross metal gate into field. Go ahead with hedge on R and when it bears R go ahead (or go R round edge of field) to metal gate and track. Follow as it bears R then L to junction. Go R ascending gently for 300m and when road goes R, go L (SP Ablake Clyse) to cross fields with hedge on R to wooden bridge. Cross to reach riverbank then go L and follow River Yeo for 4.5Km to reach B3165 by bridge. Go L with care for 300m and just before derestriction sign, locate stile in hedge on R (SP Ilchester Lane). Cross field keeping hedge/fence on L and after 200m go through gate on L and immediately R along broad grass swathe with fence on R. Follow for 1Km round edge of golf course to kissing gate to track. Go L and follow track ascending gently for 600m to junction with tarmac road by large house and turn R [8.1Km]
E (GR473251) Follow for 700m and just beyond group of houses, take short track on L (SP A372). In field, follow path to R, keeping hedge on R, to reach double gate to tarmac road. Go L and follow road to the busy A372. Go R with care and cross to the pub car park. At the grassy area behind the gravel car park locate a gate and go R. Follow 100m through two more gates to track. Go L ascending gently for 100m, ignoring R fork, to reach modern house. Continue ahead across grass to enclosed track and follow for 500m to emerge in field. Go ahead with hedge on L and at gate bear slightly R to locate hedge gap just to R of four trees. Continue to a further stile and then in the same direction to metal gate to reach road. Go R and follow with care as it descends then bears sharp R and then 100m to junction [3.7Km]
F (GR480275) Go straight ahead (7.5t weight restriction) for 350m to crossroads (Badgers Cross). Continue ahead for 450m and at the next crossroads go L (low bridge sign) and follow descending gently for 800m to go under railway bridge. The road bears R and ascends gently and through chicane to new housing estate to reach junction with Sutton Road. Go R and follow to The Triangle. Go ahead and the car park is 50m on L [2.0Km]
FOR A SLOG 20.5Km Total ascent 126m mapmyrun.com/routes/view/61428186
Follow entire route
FOR A STRIDE 15.1Km Total ascent 121m www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/61479998Follow to the end of paragraph C. Continue as road bears L then R and L again. Ignore track on R and 100m beyond where tarmac ends cross bridge and follow track for 1.2Km to junction with road by house called “Long Acre”. Go ahead 300m to a junction. Turn R and ascend gently to crossroads by village green. Go straight ahead passing the Devonshire Arms and after 250m ignore L turn but ascend gradually bearing L to pass a road on the R and then a track. Go ahead from paragraph E [2.9Km]
FOR A STROLL 12.2Km Total ascent 104m www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/60605962
Follow to the end of paragraph B. Continue descending beyond the woods on the R and the track becomes a tarmac lane. Just beyond Lower Mundays, go round sharp R bend and go L over stile (SP A372) and follow keeping hedge on R to emerge on the busy A372. Cross with care and continue ahead along Shute Lane for 600m to crossroads by village green. Go straight ahead passing the Devonshire Arms and after 250m ignore L turn but ascend gradually round L bend to pass road on R and then a track. Follow from paragraph E [2.3Km]
FOR A SAUNTER 4.8Km Total ascent 22m www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/60605256
Follow to the end of paragraph A. Go L and follow from paragraph F
B (GR480275) Bear sharp R and follow, bearing L up a slight rise. At top turn R into lane (SP Munday’s Court Lane). After 800m at the end of the tarmac go straight along drive first between hedges then with hedge on L to reach a farm gate. Go through the gate and continue ahead along narrow track for 200m and follow as it goes L and descends gently with woods on R to end of woods [1.7Km]
C (GR468269) Go R (SP PF) along well-defined track through L edge of woods for 400m to reach a crossing track. Go R for 30m then L through kissing gate. Follow track for 100m down to another kissing gate then cross field with hedge on L to another kissing gate and track. After 200m at end of track go L for 100m to reach a road at a bend. Turn R ascending gently for 400m to reach crossroads in Upton. Go L and follow 400m to a crossroads with the busy A372. Go straight across into Batts Lane and after 250m ignore R turn by barn conversion. Continue for 300m to sharp R turn just beyond Lower Vedals Farm and 50m to sharp L [2.3Km]
D (GR456258) Go ahead into enclosed grass track. Follow for 400m and cross metal gate into field. Go ahead with hedge on R and when it bears R go ahead (or go R round edge of field) to metal gate and track. Follow as it bears R then L to junction. Go R ascending gently for 300m and when road goes R, go L (SP Ablake Clyse) to cross fields with hedge on R to wooden bridge. Cross to reach riverbank then go L and follow River Yeo for 4.5Km to reach B3165 by bridge. Go L with care for 300m and just before derestriction sign, locate stile in hedge on R (SP Ilchester Lane). Cross field keeping hedge/fence on L and after 200m go through gate on L and immediately R along broad grass swathe with fence on R. Follow for 1Km round edge of golf course to kissing gate to track. Go L and follow track ascending gently for 600m to junction with tarmac road by large house and turn R [8.1Km]
E (GR473251) Follow for 700m and just beyond group of houses, take short track on L (SP A372). In field, follow path to R, keeping hedge on R, to reach double gate to tarmac road. Go L and follow road to the busy A372. Go R with care and cross to the pub car park. At the grassy area behind the gravel car park locate a gate and go R. Follow 100m through two more gates to track. Go L ascending gently for 100m, ignoring R fork, to reach modern house. Continue ahead across grass to enclosed track and follow for 500m to emerge in field. Go ahead with hedge on L and at gate bear slightly R to locate hedge gap just to R of four trees. Continue to a further stile and then in the same direction to metal gate to reach road. Go R and follow with care as it descends then bears sharp R and then 100m to junction [3.7Km]
F (GR480275) Go straight ahead (7.5t weight restriction) for 350m to crossroads (Badgers Cross). Continue ahead for 450m and at the next crossroads go L (low bridge sign) and follow descending gently for 800m to go under railway bridge. The road bears R and ascends gently and through chicane to new housing estate to reach junction with Sutton Road. Go R and follow to The Triangle. Go ahead and the car park is 50m on L [2.0Km]
FOR A SLOG 20.5Km Total ascent 126m mapmyrun.com/routes/view/61428186
Follow entire route
FOR A STRIDE 15.1Km Total ascent 121m www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/61479998Follow to the end of paragraph C. Continue as road bears L then R and L again. Ignore track on R and 100m beyond where tarmac ends cross bridge and follow track for 1.2Km to junction with road by house called “Long Acre”. Go ahead 300m to a junction. Turn R and ascend gently to crossroads by village green. Go straight ahead passing the Devonshire Arms and after 250m ignore L turn but ascend gradually bearing L to pass a road on the R and then a track. Go ahead from paragraph E [2.9Km]
FOR A STROLL 12.2Km Total ascent 104m www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/60605962
Follow to the end of paragraph B. Continue descending beyond the woods on the R and the track becomes a tarmac lane. Just beyond Lower Mundays, go round sharp R bend and go L over stile (SP A372) and follow keeping hedge on R to emerge on the busy A372. Cross with care and continue ahead along Shute Lane for 600m to crossroads by village green. Go straight ahead passing the Devonshire Arms and after 250m ignore L turn but ascend gradually round L bend to pass road on R and then a track. Follow from paragraph E [2.3Km]
FOR A SAUNTER 4.8Km Total ascent 22m www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/60605256
Follow to the end of paragraph A. Go L and follow from paragraph F