Distance: 11.1Km/6.9m Total ascent/descent: 97m
A fairly level walk via South Hill to Knole returning via Munday’s Court
Generally an all weather walk with a couple of busy roads to cross
Comments to [email protected] Updated February 2024
A fairly level walk via South Hill to Knole returning via Munday’s Court
Generally an all weather walk with a couple of busy roads to cross
Comments to [email protected] Updated February 2024
Leave car park and turn R along West Street. At The Triangle by the post box fork left along Sutton Road and after 500m go over the railway bridge and turn L by the derestriction sign. After 400m at the crossroads at Badger’s Cross, turn R and after a further 300m, bear L to join the B3165. Follow this (with care) as it bears round a left-hand bend and up a slight rise. At the top of the rise, ignore the lane to the right but follow the main road as it bears right (keep on the left hand side of the road so that drivers can see you) and just beyond a house called “Homestead”, go L over a waymarked stile (SP Lime Kiln ¾m). Bear slightly R to reach another stile then continue in the same direction to locate a gap in the hedge towards the right-hand corner of the field. Aim for the right-hand corner of the next field to find a gate and then continue with the hedge on the right to reach an enclosed path (which sometimes may be rather overgrown). After 500m pass an old barn on the left to reach Appledore Barn on the right and continue along the track to emerge at the busy and fast A372. Cross over with care to reach a pedestrian gate, go through it and head straight across the field, aiming towards the flagpole on the top of Knole Hill, to emerge through a double gate on to a lane. (If this path looks uninviting or the field is cropped, turn right along the right hand verge of the A372 past the Lime Kiln Inn for 200m and then go L along the lane to reach the double metal gate on the R). Turn R and after 75m go L through a double width metal gate and follow the left hand hedge to reach a group of houses. Proceed along the front of the houses and continue along the tarmac lane for 600m, pass the “30” sign and shortly afterwards bear R with the road to descend gently and soon reach Long Sutton. Here is the quintessential village green overlooked by the church with its fine tower, the old school (now a private house) and the public house. At the cross-roads, continue straight ahead into Shute Lane and after 600m at the A372, cross with care to gate to right of house and proceed with fence on left across a stone stile and then a wooden stile, across next field to another stile and emerge into Munday’s Court Lane. Turn R and ascend gently along the tarmac lane, which soon becomes a stony track. There are lovely views behind over most of the south of the county. Soon a copse (Long Sutton plantation) is reached on the left. The track bears round to the right and there are now lovely views to the left over the north of the county. Follow the track to reach a wooden farm gate. Go through and continue with a hedge to the right (yes, it is through the garden of the house on the left!) to reach a tarmac lane, which continues 0.8Km to a T-junction at the top of South Hill. Turn L and with great care go down hill and bear R, and when road bears L proceed straight ahead (7.5t weight restriction) for 350m to Badgers Cross. Continue straight ahead and at next cross-roads turn L (low bridge sign) and just before the bridge turn R up a steep set of steps. At the top, turn L along a path by the left hand hedge through a gate and continue to reach a track. Bear L and go up the track to emerge in West Street almost opposite the car park.