Distance 10.6km/6.6m Ascent 127m
Along the Cary Valley to Charlton Mackrell and returning via Hurcot
Can be muddy at times, but generally good tracks. A section of the busy B3153 to travel along
Comments to [email protected] Updated January 2025
Along the Cary Valley to Charlton Mackrell and returning via Hurcot
Can be muddy at times, but generally good tracks. A section of the busy B3153 to travel along
Comments to [email protected] Updated January 2025
Leave car park and go L along West Street. At the Market Place, bear to the R of the Old Town Hall and continue ahead into Kirkham Street. Continue ahead past the Police Station into The Millands then straight along a footpath in front of a row of white houses to reach a kissing gate. Cross the field staying close to the R boundary and cross the stile on R shortly before the end of the fence. Go down the field with hedge on R, through a gate and across a bridge to emerge in Lower Somerton. Turn L and at the busy B3151 cross with care, go L and turn immediately R into Huish Road (No Through Road sign). Continue along the pretty Cary Valley and after 1.5Km at the end of the tarmac, go through a farm gate on the L (SP Charlton Mackrell 1¼m). Walk round the edge of the field - first R for 150m and then L 800m to footbridge, cross the river Cary then go straight ahead towards a green clad barn. Cross stile to tarmac road, turn R and after 100m go L at green gate (SP Charlton Court). Pass through way-marked kissing gate through the grounds of Charlton Court to another kissing gate then a narrow footpath, joining a track and emerging into a road. Turn L, pass under the railway bridge and where the road bears R, go ahead through a kissing gate (no sign). Follow close to the right hand boundary through 3 more gates to reach a gravel drive. Go straight across to reach a slab stile at a lane by a house. Turn L along the lane as it ascends steadily for 1.2Km passing by crossroads at Priory Farm and with view to the tall spire of Kingweston church to R. At the top there are good views ahead and the track descends for 400m, steeply at first. At the foot of the descent, bear R on to a tarmac road and after 100m bear L on to the busy B3153 (SP Somerton 1¾). Pause under the railway bridge, known locally as “Skew Bridge”, to view its construction of six staggered arches. Take great care along the next section of road, which is narrow with fast traffic and after 400m turn R along a tarmac lane (Low Bridge sign). Follow this quiet lane as it meanders under the railway, through the sleepy hamlet of Hurcot and back under the railway to rejoin the B3153. Bear R and continue with care to a T-junction. Turn L, cross over and follow the pavement as it crosses the Cary Bridge with a fine view of the viaduct. At the end of the pavement, take the second R (SP Cycleway 30) and at the top of the steep climb continue into New Street. After 50m go L through the metal squeeze and follow the short tarmac path into The Millands. Continue along the right hand pavement and at the end turn R to pass the Police Station and reach the Market Square. Continue ahead into West Street along which the car park is reached on R.