Distance: 11.7km/7.3m Ascent 100m
Across Radio Station Hill to Knole Hill with excellent views to the south
A gentle walk along country lanes and tracks
Comments to [email protected] Updated April 2024
Across Radio Station Hill to Knole Hill with excellent views to the south
A gentle walk along country lanes and tracks
Comments to [email protected] Updated April 2024
Leave car park and turn L over the railway bridge and immediately R (SP Public Footpath). Follow this lane downhill and just beyond a sharp left bend, go through a gate and along path at side of field. At end of field take steep steps down to road and turn L. Pass Bedlands Gate Farm and continue for 600m to cross‑roads. Continue ahead past the site of the old radio station (one remaining building can be seen over to the right) and after 1.3Km reach a junction at Trout Cottage. Bear R and after 100m go through Bristol gate on R and cross the field following fingerpost on clear path to locate a gap in the hedge and a stile. Follow a track ahead bearing right then left through the trees to reach a stile by a metal gate. Cross and turn L along a tarmac road and after 200m reach a cross roads with the busy A372. Go straight across (SP Bineham) and after 600m at Bineham Court proceed ahead (No through road sign) for 250m to reach a gate on the R opposite Little Bineham. Go through the gate (SP Stonemead Lane) and bear slightly R to a stile across a fence and then join fence on R to another gate. Continue ahead between a line of trees and garages and follow the waymarks eventually aiming slightly L of the tower of Long Sutton church. After the final stile continue ahead to crossing hedge and bear R with a stream on the L and through a metal gate into a garden area. Continue ahead through a gap by a small pumping station and cross the stile on the L. Go R along the road 160m to a junction and then L (SP Stonemead Lane) beside a thatched cottage along a short path and through a kissing gate. Go ahead with hedge on L at first, then climbing steeply and near the top turn R to reach a flagpole at the top of the hill. Stop to admire the view and continue ahead to a waymarked gate and stile then bear 45 degrees L downhill between two large bushes to the corner of the field, cross a stile then keep hedge on R to reach a stile and sleeper bridge to reach a track. Go R and follow grassy (and often very wet) track for 500m to a T-junction. Go R for 170m and turn R along another track (no sign). Pass through a gate and stile by a derelict building and another stile. Continue with hedge on L and after 50m go through double gate on L aiming to the far R corner of the field. Go through Bristol gate and follow enclosed track for 150m to road. Turn R and follow through the pleasant hamlet of Knole bearing L at the first junction then turning L by The Manor House to reach a small bridge after 300m, then as the road bears L go ahead through a metal gate (SP A372) following a clear path aiming for a wooden fence to the right of the Lime Kiln Inn. (If this path looks uninviting or the field is cropped, continue along the lane to the busy A372, turn R and follow for 200m to reach the track) Go through the gate and cross the road into a track (SP Public Footpath) and at the end of the track, at Appledore Barn, continue ahead with hedge on L to reach an enclosed path between two hedges. Continue for 500m and when the path emerges into a field follow the left hand boundary to a stile, and then bear slightly R to reach a hedge gap. Proceed ahead getting closer to the R boundary and cross another stile to reach a gate and stile at a road. Turn R and walk with care along the road descending gently with views to Somerton and the Hood Monument ahead. Bear R with the road and where it bears L, go ahead (7.5t weight restriction). At the cross-roads at Badgers Cross turn L and follow past Jubilee Park to a T-junction and turn R going over the railway bridge and along Sutton Road to reach The Triangle. Continue ahead for 100m to the car park on the left.