Chard to Castle Neroche 22.7Km 545m ascent
April 2023 Comments to [email protected]
Chard to Castle Neroche 22.7Km 545m ascent
April 2023 Comments to [email protected]
NOTE: This section has veered slightly away from the district boundary for ease of transport connections.
This section is quite long and has considerable ascent, but most of the route is on minor roads or good tracks.
5.1 (GR 323 085) Walk south along Boden Street 100m passing the former Lace Mill, to junction and go R into Mill Lane 120m to another junction. Go L for a few metres, then R at roundabout into Duck Lane for 100m passing Manor Court cross at pedestrian crossing and go L into Coronation Street. Follow 120m to junction then go L into Mintons Orchard and follow, ignoring the R turn into Mintons but taking the next R after 120m (still Mintons Orchard). At the end continue 50m on tarmac footpath to reach Bruton Way. Do not take the tarmac path opposite, but go through wooden gate to the L and follow path, ignoring track on L after 30m. Continue ahead on broad track ascending gently 850m to reach road. Go ahead 200m and at sharp R bend join another road and go R.
5.2 (GR 307 079) Follow 350m to crossroads then go L (SP Wambrook) and follow 1.2Km to the pub in Wambrook. Continue, ignoring side turns, for 1.3Km to a more major fork and go L ascending gently for 1Km to crossroads. Go sharp R (SP Chard) along this slightly busier and wider road 750m passing Nina’s Kitchen at the Ferne Animal Sanctuary, then fork L 350m to crossroads. Go straight ahead 750m to fork and go L descending 600m to reach the busy and fast A30. Cross with care and go straight ahead along the meandering lane for 1.1Km to junction in Howley. Go L 70m then R (Unsuitable for HGVs) and follow 1.7Km at first descending steeply to cross a stream, then ascending equally steeply, then levelling off and finally descending again to pass under a bridge carrying the A303.
5.3 (GR 258 108) Continue ahead ignoring the A303 slip road (!) for 150m passing the Marsh entry sign and fork R just before the yellow coloured house ascending gently for 150m to a junction. Go R ascending gently 800m to a junction and bear R descending gently at first then quite steeply to cross a stream then climbing to Foxenhole Farm before levelling off then descending to the village of Bishopswood. Just beyond the “30” sign bear R to a junction by the pub and go L 400m to fork. Go R (SP Village Hall) and follow 1.5Km and just beyond Otterford Mill, ignore R turn but continue ahead 350m and take the R fork (no sign) for 600m descending gently to cross a stream then climbing to a junction.
5.4 (GR 241 142) Go R 100m then L (SP Bridleway) past Birchwood church. At gate continue ahead descnding across field to a gap ahead then cross bridge and bear L on to track to reach Owlhayes Farm. Go R 250m to reach road by Bucklands Farm, then L 300m to junction, then R 1.1Km to reach a main road. Go R 100m with great care and cross the road into Staple Hill. Go ahead to gate then continue on broad track 100m then ahead on narrower track to gate. Go R just before gate and pass into Mount Fancy Reserve. Follow track through reserve and on leaving follow broad grass track to gate. Continue ahead on well marked track to enter Staple Common and follow track to exit reserve at a road. Cross road into Castle Neroche and continue 650m to major track junction. Take the first track on R (SP Car Park) and ascend 800m to gate and road. Go ahead 100m to car park entrance (GR 274 156)
Buses run from Taunton to Chard via Castle Neroche House For timetables see
Suggested transport plan:
Park in the Castle Neroche Car Park (GR273 156) and walk south west 500m to Castle Neroche House.
The unsigned bus stop is at the junction with the main road opposite Castle Neroche House (GR 269 155)
Catch bus to Chard and follow route
This section is quite long and has considerable ascent, but most of the route is on minor roads or good tracks.
5.1 (GR 323 085) Walk south along Boden Street 100m passing the former Lace Mill, to junction and go R into Mill Lane 120m to another junction. Go L for a few metres, then R at roundabout into Duck Lane for 100m passing Manor Court cross at pedestrian crossing and go L into Coronation Street. Follow 120m to junction then go L into Mintons Orchard and follow, ignoring the R turn into Mintons but taking the next R after 120m (still Mintons Orchard). At the end continue 50m on tarmac footpath to reach Bruton Way. Do not take the tarmac path opposite, but go through wooden gate to the L and follow path, ignoring track on L after 30m. Continue ahead on broad track ascending gently 850m to reach road. Go ahead 200m and at sharp R bend join another road and go R.
5.2 (GR 307 079) Follow 350m to crossroads then go L (SP Wambrook) and follow 1.2Km to the pub in Wambrook. Continue, ignoring side turns, for 1.3Km to a more major fork and go L ascending gently for 1Km to crossroads. Go sharp R (SP Chard) along this slightly busier and wider road 750m passing Nina’s Kitchen at the Ferne Animal Sanctuary, then fork L 350m to crossroads. Go straight ahead 750m to fork and go L descending 600m to reach the busy and fast A30. Cross with care and go straight ahead along the meandering lane for 1.1Km to junction in Howley. Go L 70m then R (Unsuitable for HGVs) and follow 1.7Km at first descending steeply to cross a stream, then ascending equally steeply, then levelling off and finally descending again to pass under a bridge carrying the A303.
5.3 (GR 258 108) Continue ahead ignoring the A303 slip road (!) for 150m passing the Marsh entry sign and fork R just before the yellow coloured house ascending gently for 150m to a junction. Go R ascending gently 800m to a junction and bear R descending gently at first then quite steeply to cross a stream then climbing to Foxenhole Farm before levelling off then descending to the village of Bishopswood. Just beyond the “30” sign bear R to a junction by the pub and go L 400m to fork. Go R (SP Village Hall) and follow 1.5Km and just beyond Otterford Mill, ignore R turn but continue ahead 350m and take the R fork (no sign) for 600m descending gently to cross a stream then climbing to a junction.
5.4 (GR 241 142) Go R 100m then L (SP Bridleway) past Birchwood church. At gate continue ahead descnding across field to a gap ahead then cross bridge and bear L on to track to reach Owlhayes Farm. Go R 250m to reach road by Bucklands Farm, then L 300m to junction, then R 1.1Km to reach a main road. Go R 100m with great care and cross the road into Staple Hill. Go ahead to gate then continue on broad track 100m then ahead on narrower track to gate. Go R just before gate and pass into Mount Fancy Reserve. Follow track through reserve and on leaving follow broad grass track to gate. Continue ahead on well marked track to enter Staple Common and follow track to exit reserve at a road. Cross road into Castle Neroche and continue 650m to major track junction. Take the first track on R (SP Car Park) and ascend 800m to gate and road. Go ahead 100m to car park entrance (GR 274 156)
Buses run from Taunton to Chard via Castle Neroche House For timetables see
Suggested transport plan:
Park in the Castle Neroche Car Park (GR273 156) and walk south west 500m to Castle Neroche House.
The unsigned bus stop is at the junction with the main road opposite Castle Neroche House (GR 269 155)
Catch bus to Chard and follow route