A (GR487285) Exit through the rear of the car park through a metal squeeze and a short track. At the road, go L for 100m then R along Queens Road for 100m. At junction, go L along Behind Berry and after 200m at Fire Station, go R into Etsome Terrace, passing Memorial Garden. Follow as road bears to L at the top of Brockle Hill and after 300m, where the houses end, go straight ahead by side of new school (No Through Road) and follow this level road with excellent views to Copley Wood and Gilling Down, with its coloured strata. After 1Km the road starts to descend and after 300m reach a signposted bridleway on the L [2.4Km]
B (GR482305) Go ahead and 200m further cross over the River Cary. After 20m go L (SP Public Footpath), cross a small footbridge and continue along the left hand edge of fields close to the river Cary. After 1.3Km reach a tarmac road at Somerton Door Bridge. Cross road and continue alongside the river Cary (SP Pitney Steart Bridge) for 2Km to pass Park Bridge and continue close to the river to a Bristol gate to emerge on a track by the flat Pitney Steart Bridge [3.5Km]
C (GR453309) Do not cross bridge but continue with river on L (SP Henley Bridge) for 400m to reach a track by Broadacre Bridge [0.4Km]
D (GR449311) Cross the track and continue ahead, still with river on L, for 2Km passing two further bridges to reach Henley Bridge and sluice. Go L over bridge and follow road for 200m to a junction by phone box. Go R and follow 1Km to a junction. Bear L (SP Langport) and after 70m bear R at No Through Road. After 200m follow road as it bears L by White House Farm and 200m beyond, just before cottage on L, go L through green metal gate, bear to L of copse and climb up shallow depression to reach hedge. Bear R along hedge and just beyond large plastic storage tank, cross stile on L then go R along steep path to emerge on short track to reach road at junction. Go straight ahead past Walnut Cottage and ignoring road on L, for 250m to junction with more major road by the Kings Head Inn and continue ahead (SP Langport) with far reaching views to the L. After 300m reach High Ham village green and church. Go L at the grass triangle and just beyond school the road bears R and after 400m reaches a crossroads by playing field. Go L descending gently for 500m to pass Stembridge Windmill then more steeply for 1Km to reach crossroads and go straight across (SP Somerton) [6.8Km]
E (GR441301) Continue for 200m to T junction. Go L (SP Somerton) and follow for 1Km to the hamlet of Park. At the willow tree and pond, turn L (no sign) along Steart Drove. Follow for 800m to reach and cross Pitney Steart Bridge [2.0Km]
F. (GR453309) Bear R and follow track (No unauthorised vehicles) for 250m and where it bears L by metal gate, go R along narrower track (no sign). After 400m, ignore L turn but bear R for 1.2Km to reach a tarmac track. Go R crossing the River Cary and 500m beyond take track on L opposite telegraph pole (no sign), ascending gently at first, then more steeply, to a track junction [2.9Km]
G. (GR 474297) Continue, now climbing more gently, to reach a tarmac road and follow for 1Km to a junction close to new school. Go L for 40m then R into Northfield Way. Follow as it bears R and just beyond the last house on the L go through metal squeeze into Highfield Way. Continue for 250m to junction and go L into Behind Berry for 150m to junction beside Fire Station. Go R to mini-roundabout then go L into Langport Road past the Royal Oak pub. The car park is 300m on the L [2.1Km]
FOR A SLOG 20.1Km Total ascent 171m www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/62278572 Follow entire route
FOR A STRIDE 15.0Km Total ascent 82m www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/62275262Follow to the end of paragraph C. Go L across bridge, ignore R turn after 150m and 120m beyond reach sharp R bend by entrance to Decoy Farm. Follow road 500m to junction. Go L and follow for 900m to crossroads. Go L (SP Pitney) and follow from paragraph E [1.7Km]
FOR A STROLL 10.9Km Total ascent 59m www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/59834386Follow to the end of paragraph B. Go very sharp R and follow from paragraph F.
FOR A SAUNTER 5.8Km Total ascent 40m www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/59832924Follow to the end of paragraph A Turn L into the bridleway and follow for 1.3Km as the track bears sharp R then sharp L and ascends steeply to reach a junction. Go L and follow from paragraph G [1.3Km]
B (GR482305) Go ahead and 200m further cross over the River Cary. After 20m go L (SP Public Footpath), cross a small footbridge and continue along the left hand edge of fields close to the river Cary. After 1.3Km reach a tarmac road at Somerton Door Bridge. Cross road and continue alongside the river Cary (SP Pitney Steart Bridge) for 2Km to pass Park Bridge and continue close to the river to a Bristol gate to emerge on a track by the flat Pitney Steart Bridge [3.5Km]
C (GR453309) Do not cross bridge but continue with river on L (SP Henley Bridge) for 400m to reach a track by Broadacre Bridge [0.4Km]
D (GR449311) Cross the track and continue ahead, still with river on L, for 2Km passing two further bridges to reach Henley Bridge and sluice. Go L over bridge and follow road for 200m to a junction by phone box. Go R and follow 1Km to a junction. Bear L (SP Langport) and after 70m bear R at No Through Road. After 200m follow road as it bears L by White House Farm and 200m beyond, just before cottage on L, go L through green metal gate, bear to L of copse and climb up shallow depression to reach hedge. Bear R along hedge and just beyond large plastic storage tank, cross stile on L then go R along steep path to emerge on short track to reach road at junction. Go straight ahead past Walnut Cottage and ignoring road on L, for 250m to junction with more major road by the Kings Head Inn and continue ahead (SP Langport) with far reaching views to the L. After 300m reach High Ham village green and church. Go L at the grass triangle and just beyond school the road bears R and after 400m reaches a crossroads by playing field. Go L descending gently for 500m to pass Stembridge Windmill then more steeply for 1Km to reach crossroads and go straight across (SP Somerton) [6.8Km]
E (GR441301) Continue for 200m to T junction. Go L (SP Somerton) and follow for 1Km to the hamlet of Park. At the willow tree and pond, turn L (no sign) along Steart Drove. Follow for 800m to reach and cross Pitney Steart Bridge [2.0Km]
F. (GR453309) Bear R and follow track (No unauthorised vehicles) for 250m and where it bears L by metal gate, go R along narrower track (no sign). After 400m, ignore L turn but bear R for 1.2Km to reach a tarmac track. Go R crossing the River Cary and 500m beyond take track on L opposite telegraph pole (no sign), ascending gently at first, then more steeply, to a track junction [2.9Km]
G. (GR 474297) Continue, now climbing more gently, to reach a tarmac road and follow for 1Km to a junction close to new school. Go L for 40m then R into Northfield Way. Follow as it bears R and just beyond the last house on the L go through metal squeeze into Highfield Way. Continue for 250m to junction and go L into Behind Berry for 150m to junction beside Fire Station. Go R to mini-roundabout then go L into Langport Road past the Royal Oak pub. The car park is 300m on the L [2.1Km]
FOR A SLOG 20.1Km Total ascent 171m www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/62278572 Follow entire route
FOR A STRIDE 15.0Km Total ascent 82m www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/62275262Follow to the end of paragraph C. Go L across bridge, ignore R turn after 150m and 120m beyond reach sharp R bend by entrance to Decoy Farm. Follow road 500m to junction. Go L and follow for 900m to crossroads. Go L (SP Pitney) and follow from paragraph E [1.7Km]
FOR A STROLL 10.9Km Total ascent 59m www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/59834386Follow to the end of paragraph B. Go very sharp R and follow from paragraph F.
FOR A SAUNTER 5.8Km Total ascent 40m www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/59832924Follow to the end of paragraph A Turn L into the bridleway and follow for 1.3Km as the track bears sharp R then sharp L and ascends steeply to reach a junction. Go L and follow from paragraph G [1.3Km]