A (GR487285) Leave car park and turn right along West Street. At The Triangle by post box fork L along Sutton Road. After 200m go L into Great Western Lane and follow descending gently via modern housing. Follow the road as it bears L under railway bridge then ascending gently 800m to a crossroads [1.3Km]
B (GR488275) Turn R (no sign) for 450m to another crossroads at Badgers Cross. Continue ahead for 350m to reach the busy B3165. Go straight ahead and follow with care, as it bears round L bend and up a slight rise. At the top of the rise, ignore Windyridge Lane on R but follow the main road as it bears R. Just beyond house “Homestead”, go L over a waymarked stile. Bear slightly R to cross another stile then the same direction to locate a hedge gap towards the R corner of the field. Aim for the R corner of the next field, go through a gate and continue with hedge on R to an enclosed path. After 500m pass Appledoor Barn on R and continue along the track 200m and watch carefully for gate on R, 100m before the main road. Go through gate and follow with fence on L 100m to reach gate on L and cross to pub car park. Exit car park to far R and go along verge 70m, then cross with care and follow the lane 700m to a junction in Knole by The Manor. Go R and after a few metres bear L by the Old Mill and where road bears R go ahead across stile (SP Stone Mead Lane) and follow enclosed path to gate. Go ahead up steep faint path then bear R to flagpole atop Knole Hill [3.7Km]
C (GR482249) After admiring the view continue ahead through gate and bear L descending past two large bushes to stile in corner of field then continue with hedge on R to cross sleeper bridge and stile to lane. Turn R and follow this muddy lane 500m to crossing track. Go R a few metres and through metal gate on L. After 20m go L and follow the obvious broad grassy track for 800m round the edge of golf course. At the end go through metal gate near to golf club buildings and turn R with fence on R. When fence bears R near end of field go ahead to cross stile to B3165. Go L follow with care 250m to Long Load bridge [2.4Km]
D (GR467238) Cross bridge and just beyond go R through kissing gate (SP Church Lane) and follow fingerpost to cross field to kissing gate and sleeper bridge at edge of caravan park. Go along muddy path with fence and caravan site on R for 200m to a second gate and bridge and then continue, now with hedge on L, for 400m to kissing gate by cottage and short track to road. Go L for 100m to reach junction by church. Go R for 50m then L through large wooden gate (SP Ash). After 50m go through small gate and along grass path 250m to gate and bridge. Cross and go R (SP Milton). After 300m go through metal gate and go L round two sides of field keeping hedge on L. At far corner go ahead into track for 750m to junction by triangle in Milton. Go L and follow 1Km to junction by bungalow. Go L and follow track for 1.5Km to reach and cross footbridge [5.1Km]
E (GR483234) Cross field 250m to L of a shallow ditch to stile and bridge*. Cross and go R 900m along Kingsmoor Drove, then first L (Pennypost Drove) for 700m to reach tarmac road. Go ahead 1.1Km to reach entrance to Bineham Court [3.0Km]
*If flooded, return to bridge do not cross but follow river bank 1.9Km to Pill Bridge. Then go L along track 1Km, then R 200m to tarmac road [+1.5Km]
F (GR493253) Continue ahead 600m to crossroads with the busy A372. Go ahead (7.5t weight restriction) and after 150m, go through metal gate on R and follow track through woods. After 100m go R then L to cross stile into field. Bear slightly L to Bristol gate on far side to road. Go L 50m and fork R by Trout Cottage [1.2Km]
G (GR491263) Follow lane for 1.5Km to a junction close to quarry. Go L for 300m then R through Bristol gate (SP Somerton) and along path, keeping hedge on R. After 400m enter enclosed track for 100m to junction. Go L for 30m, through gate and continue, now with hedge on R. At end of field enter track for 100m to reach road. Go R descending gradually and 50m before railway bridge ascend steep steps on R (SP West Street). At top of steps, bear L and follow path along edge of field to reach a gate leading to track. Go L and follow track climbing gently to reach West Street. Go L 20m and the car park is over the road [3.5Km]
FOR A SLOG 20.3Km Total ascent 124m www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/62083082
Follow entire route
FOR A STRIDE 16.9Km Total ascent 95m www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/60036054
Follow to the end of paragraph C. Just before bridge, go L over stile beside gate (SP Ilchester) and follow bank keeping the River Yeo on the R for 1.7Km to reach a footbridge crossing the river. Do not cross, but turn L and follow from paragraph E [1.7Km]
FOR A STROLL 11.3Km Total ascent 92m www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/60028316
Follow to the end of paragraph B. Retrace your steps back down to Knole, turn R for 150m and go L by small building on L, cross stile then go R with fence on R. Just beyond pond bear L to locate a stile. Ascend gently to reach another stile and continue ahead to stile by metal gate. Cross two more stiles and gate to reach garages at rear of Bineham Court. Go through gate and follow waymarks to road. Go L 200m to junction by entrance to Bineham Court. Continue ahead and follow from paragraph F [1.5Km]
FOR A SAUNTER 6.1Km Total ascent 32m www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/62676082
Follow to the end of paragraph A. Go ahead 1.4Km to junction by cottage. Go L and follow from paragraph G [1.4Km]
B (GR488275) Turn R (no sign) for 450m to another crossroads at Badgers Cross. Continue ahead for 350m to reach the busy B3165. Go straight ahead and follow with care, as it bears round L bend and up a slight rise. At the top of the rise, ignore Windyridge Lane on R but follow the main road as it bears R. Just beyond house “Homestead”, go L over a waymarked stile. Bear slightly R to cross another stile then the same direction to locate a hedge gap towards the R corner of the field. Aim for the R corner of the next field, go through a gate and continue with hedge on R to an enclosed path. After 500m pass Appledoor Barn on R and continue along the track 200m and watch carefully for gate on R, 100m before the main road. Go through gate and follow with fence on L 100m to reach gate on L and cross to pub car park. Exit car park to far R and go along verge 70m, then cross with care and follow the lane 700m to a junction in Knole by The Manor. Go R and after a few metres bear L by the Old Mill and where road bears R go ahead across stile (SP Stone Mead Lane) and follow enclosed path to gate. Go ahead up steep faint path then bear R to flagpole atop Knole Hill [3.7Km]
C (GR482249) After admiring the view continue ahead through gate and bear L descending past two large bushes to stile in corner of field then continue with hedge on R to cross sleeper bridge and stile to lane. Turn R and follow this muddy lane 500m to crossing track. Go R a few metres and through metal gate on L. After 20m go L and follow the obvious broad grassy track for 800m round the edge of golf course. At the end go through metal gate near to golf club buildings and turn R with fence on R. When fence bears R near end of field go ahead to cross stile to B3165. Go L follow with care 250m to Long Load bridge [2.4Km]
D (GR467238) Cross bridge and just beyond go R through kissing gate (SP Church Lane) and follow fingerpost to cross field to kissing gate and sleeper bridge at edge of caravan park. Go along muddy path with fence and caravan site on R for 200m to a second gate and bridge and then continue, now with hedge on L, for 400m to kissing gate by cottage and short track to road. Go L for 100m to reach junction by church. Go R for 50m then L through large wooden gate (SP Ash). After 50m go through small gate and along grass path 250m to gate and bridge. Cross and go R (SP Milton). After 300m go through metal gate and go L round two sides of field keeping hedge on L. At far corner go ahead into track for 750m to junction by triangle in Milton. Go L and follow 1Km to junction by bungalow. Go L and follow track for 1.5Km to reach and cross footbridge [5.1Km]
E (GR483234) Cross field 250m to L of a shallow ditch to stile and bridge*. Cross and go R 900m along Kingsmoor Drove, then first L (Pennypost Drove) for 700m to reach tarmac road. Go ahead 1.1Km to reach entrance to Bineham Court [3.0Km]
*If flooded, return to bridge do not cross but follow river bank 1.9Km to Pill Bridge. Then go L along track 1Km, then R 200m to tarmac road [+1.5Km]
F (GR493253) Continue ahead 600m to crossroads with the busy A372. Go ahead (7.5t weight restriction) and after 150m, go through metal gate on R and follow track through woods. After 100m go R then L to cross stile into field. Bear slightly L to Bristol gate on far side to road. Go L 50m and fork R by Trout Cottage [1.2Km]
G (GR491263) Follow lane for 1.5Km to a junction close to quarry. Go L for 300m then R through Bristol gate (SP Somerton) and along path, keeping hedge on R. After 400m enter enclosed track for 100m to junction. Go L for 30m, through gate and continue, now with hedge on R. At end of field enter track for 100m to reach road. Go R descending gradually and 50m before railway bridge ascend steep steps on R (SP West Street). At top of steps, bear L and follow path along edge of field to reach a gate leading to track. Go L and follow track climbing gently to reach West Street. Go L 20m and the car park is over the road [3.5Km]
FOR A SLOG 20.3Km Total ascent 124m www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/62083082
Follow entire route
FOR A STRIDE 16.9Km Total ascent 95m www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/60036054
Follow to the end of paragraph C. Just before bridge, go L over stile beside gate (SP Ilchester) and follow bank keeping the River Yeo on the R for 1.7Km to reach a footbridge crossing the river. Do not cross, but turn L and follow from paragraph E [1.7Km]
FOR A STROLL 11.3Km Total ascent 92m www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/60028316
Follow to the end of paragraph B. Retrace your steps back down to Knole, turn R for 150m and go L by small building on L, cross stile then go R with fence on R. Just beyond pond bear L to locate a stile. Ascend gently to reach another stile and continue ahead to stile by metal gate. Cross two more stiles and gate to reach garages at rear of Bineham Court. Go through gate and follow waymarks to road. Go L 200m to junction by entrance to Bineham Court. Continue ahead and follow from paragraph F [1.5Km]
FOR A SAUNTER 6.1Km Total ascent 32m www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/62676082
Follow to the end of paragraph A. Go ahead 1.4Km to junction by cottage. Go L and follow from paragraph G [1.4Km]