Keinton Mandeville to Bruton 19.0Km 217m ascent
August 2022 Reviewed March 2023 Comments to [email protected]
Keinton Mandeville to Bruton 19.0Km 217m ascent
August 2022 Reviewed March 2023 Comments to [email protected]
10.1 (GR 553 310) From the eastern end of the village, go south along Babcary Lane, for 800m to cross the bridge over the railway and after a further 800m reaches the busy A37. Go straight across and follow 800m to where it bears R, but go L (SP Mendip Ring). After 300m at junction go R along enclosed track for 150m to emerge in open field. Go ahead for 1.2Km at first with hedge on R and then along track to reach road. Go L for 600m descending gently and just before bridge over R Cary go R and continue roughly parallel to the meandering river with hedge on L for 700m. Cross two more fields now with hedge on R, then across more fields with the river to the left and beyond it a golf course for almost 2Km to reach tarmac road.
10.2 (GR 600 303) Go L across the bridge and immediately R After 300m at the end of the first field, ignore the waymark but bear 45 degrees L to far L corner to locate a bridge to a track. Go R along track 450m, then across two fields keeping hedge on L. At end of second field do not cross stile in hedge on L, but continue ahead on track 1.1Km to reach road. Go ahead 150m bearing R to cross railway bridge and after 60m do not bear L but go straight ahead (weight limit). Follow 600m to junction and go L (SP Restricted ByWay) for 200m through farmyard and just beyond wall go R ascending to double gate in far corner. Continue in the same direction 350m to reach track and follow 250m to reach road. Go L 100m then fork L into South Bank and immediately L into Park Avenue. At gate go along field with hedge on L and continue along tarmac path to reach road and after 250m join the main road by the church. Continue 150m past Park Place (beyond the end of which is Park Pond, the source of the River Cary) to reach the Horse Pond and War Memorial.
10.3 (GR 640 322) Bear R up the pretty Fore Street 150m to reach the Market Place with the Town Hall, then a further 150m and go L into Ansford Road. Continue 500m to reach traffic lights, then R 60m and cross with care into track by Combe Lodge. Follow track 300m to junction and go L 250m to another junction, then R for 500m to reach a road. Go straight ahead for 1Km descending to reach Wyke Overbridge crossing the main GWR London to Exeter rail line. Continue 600m to cross the disused Somerset & Dorset line and a further 450m to a junction. Go straight ahead with care for 150m then fork L along stony track for 400m, ascending at first then descending to a road. Go ahead 150m to another road and bear R following sign for 30m to a metal gate. Continue ahead across field 100m to reach stile, then go ahead along path enclosed by hedges. Follow thos well-defined path for 1.3Km to a road by Hart Brook House. Continue ahead uphill 100m to a crossroads and go R past cottages (look out for the Dovecot on a hill ahead) before descending steeply to Bruton High St. Go L for 250m, then bear R downhill to junction by the church (GR 684 348)
A bus service runs from Wincanton to Street via Bruton and Keinton Mandeville.For timetables see
Suggested transport plan:
Park near the church in Bruton and catch a bus to Keinton Mandeville. Walk back to Bruton
10.2 (GR 600 303) Go L across the bridge and immediately R After 300m at the end of the first field, ignore the waymark but bear 45 degrees L to far L corner to locate a bridge to a track. Go R along track 450m, then across two fields keeping hedge on L. At end of second field do not cross stile in hedge on L, but continue ahead on track 1.1Km to reach road. Go ahead 150m bearing R to cross railway bridge and after 60m do not bear L but go straight ahead (weight limit). Follow 600m to junction and go L (SP Restricted ByWay) for 200m through farmyard and just beyond wall go R ascending to double gate in far corner. Continue in the same direction 350m to reach track and follow 250m to reach road. Go L 100m then fork L into South Bank and immediately L into Park Avenue. At gate go along field with hedge on L and continue along tarmac path to reach road and after 250m join the main road by the church. Continue 150m past Park Place (beyond the end of which is Park Pond, the source of the River Cary) to reach the Horse Pond and War Memorial.
10.3 (GR 640 322) Bear R up the pretty Fore Street 150m to reach the Market Place with the Town Hall, then a further 150m and go L into Ansford Road. Continue 500m to reach traffic lights, then R 60m and cross with care into track by Combe Lodge. Follow track 300m to junction and go L 250m to another junction, then R for 500m to reach a road. Go straight ahead for 1Km descending to reach Wyke Overbridge crossing the main GWR London to Exeter rail line. Continue 600m to cross the disused Somerset & Dorset line and a further 450m to a junction. Go straight ahead with care for 150m then fork L along stony track for 400m, ascending at first then descending to a road. Go ahead 150m to another road and bear R following sign for 30m to a metal gate. Continue ahead across field 100m to reach stile, then go ahead along path enclosed by hedges. Follow thos well-defined path for 1.3Km to a road by Hart Brook House. Continue ahead uphill 100m to a crossroads and go R past cottages (look out for the Dovecot on a hill ahead) before descending steeply to Bruton High St. Go L for 250m, then bear R downhill to junction by the church (GR 684 348)
A bus service runs from Wincanton to Street via Bruton and Keinton Mandeville.For timetables see
Suggested transport plan:
Park near the church in Bruton and catch a bus to Keinton Mandeville. Walk back to Bruton