Distance: 10.2km/6.3m Ascent 119m
Along Bradley Hill Lane to Park, an extremely steep climb and a gentle return via Westcombe
The steep incline after Park can be very slippery in wet weather
Comments to [email protected] Updated April 2024
Along Bradley Hill Lane to Park, an extremely steep climb and a gentle return via Westcombe
The steep incline after Park can be very slippery in wet weather
Comments to [email protected] Updated April 2024
Leave car park and turn R along West Street. After 70m at The Triangle, fork R by the post box towards Langport, continue ahead 300m to the mini-roundabout and bear R. After 50m just before the Fire Station turn L into the narrow Behind Berry then take the second road on R, Highfield Way. After 250m continue through the metal railings into Northfield Way and after 150m at T-junction go L and after 40m R into Bradley Hill Lane. There are good views to be seen by looking through gaps in the hedges and at one on the left Hinckley Point power station is visible. After 900m near a seat, the tarmac lane becomes a stony track and starts to descend. Keep L at a fork and the track continues 400m descending steeply at first to reach a tarmac lane. Turn L and after 250m at a T-junction turn R with good views to Lollover Hill, the windmill at High Ham and the old windmill on Walton Hill. Follow this quiet country road for 2Km descending at first, then levelling to the hamlet of Park. Ignore R turn by a pond but continue for 300m and turn L by a bungalow along a lane and in 150m bear L (SP Stowey Road) and after 100m bear R. This track now ascends extremely steeply and can be very muddy after rain. At the top (where there is a wooden seat on which to rest your weary limbs!) go ahead 600m to a cross-roads and turn L. This tarmac lane ascends gently 500m, then becomes a stony (sometimes muddy) track for 600m then back to tarmac ascending gently 150m to a post box. Thereafter, the lane descends gently for 900m with good views to Glastonbury Tor, across to the Mendips and passing Westcombe Farm to a road on the R. Do not turn R, but continue ahead 250m to a T-junction. Turn R and follow 150m to a mini-roundabout then ahead along Bancombe Road as it passes the Trading Estate. After 500m at the junction with Russett Road continue ahead 250m to join Langport Road. Continue straight ahead 350m to a mini-roundabout and bear R 250m to reach The Triangle, West Street and the car park.