Winsham to Chard 16.4Km 211m ascent
April 2023 Comments to [email protected]
Winsham to Chard 16.4Km 211m ascent
April 2023 Comments to [email protected]
NOTE: This section has veered slightly away from the district boundary for ease of transport connections.
4.1 (GR 375 063) From the church, walk west along Pooles Lane descending gradually for 200m. At end of tarmac by cemetery, continue ahead on grassy track then a narrow path for 400m, to pass through a gate and then ahead to a stile in the hedge and ahead again to reach a stile and gate to a road. Go L and follow 600m descending gradually and crossing the railway bridge and a stream to reach a junction. Go straight ahead through metal kissing gate (SP River Axe) and follow obvious path with river on L 250m to metal gate, then bear slightly L passing the rear of Forde Abbey for 550m to reach and cross footbridge over River Axe. Go R 70m, cross small stream and bear L ascending to stile by wooden gate. Follow track passing a large lake (maybe a new reservoir under construction) to reach a broad crossing track. Go R and follow 300m bearing L to reach road. Go R and follow 1.3Km to junction by Broadbride Cottage. Go R 150m crossing river and just before railway crossing turn L on gravel path (SP Westford).
4.2 (GR 341 048) Follow gravel path at first close to the (Exeter to London Waterloo) railway line and then close to the river for 650m to reach bridge on L crossing river. Do not cross, but bear R to wooden gate and cross the railway line with great care to another wooden gate. Follow river a few metres, then bear slightly R across wooden bridge and just beyond, fork L to join hedge keeping it to R. Follow 100m to top of field then go through metal gate then L over double stile. Go R with hedge on R 180m to field corner, then L still with hedge on R 60m then through Bristol gate on R. Then go L 70m to stile then ahead with hedge on L to cross another stile. Bear 45 degrees R on faint path to metal gate and continue in same direction to gate by electricity pole to reach track. Go R and immediately L through Bristol gate and follow with hedge on R to double stile. Cross and bear 45 degrees R to stile between barn and house then ahead 40m to tarmac road in the hamlet of Chilson.
4.3 (GR 327 037) Go L along road for 200m and just beyond cottage bear L to metal gate. Bear slightly R 400m passing to R of the first electricity pole then to the L of the second pole to a gate in the corner of the field. Continue along to a hedge gap along broad grassy track to field then straight ahead to gate and road. Cross with great care into Storridge Lane and follow 600m at first ascending and then descending to a junction. Continue ahead 850m to the pretty village of Chardstock and just beyond the War Memorial go R (SP Chard). Ascend gently 300m to junction by derestriction sign and fork R (SP Chard). Ascend gently 600m to junction and go L (SP Chard). The road now flattens for 1.2Km with good views to reach junction. Go L (SP Cotley) 250m to junction in front of large white house and then L 50m and then R (No Through Road). At the end of tarmac continue ahead on track passing farm buildings and a plantation of trees. After 600m follow as track bears L (SP Unmetalled Road) and continue 750m to join road. Go ahead 70m then go R (no sign) for 600m ignoring L turn and follow as road goes R 1Km to junction.
4.4 (GR 307 079) Go R and follow road 200m to where it bears sharp R. Stop to admire the wide view, then continue descending 900m on stony track past two large barns to join tarmac track to reach road.. Go straight across along tarmac path becoming a residential street 250m to junction. Go L for 250m crossing road at pedestrian crossing then first R into Coronation Street. Follow 120m to and then go R, cross at pedestrian crossing then L at roundabout and almost immediately R into Mill Lane. After 120m go L into Boden Street (GR 323 085)
Chard has bus services to Taunton, Yeovil and Axminster. For timetables see
Suggested transport plan:
Park in Boden Street, Chard and catch bus to Winsham. Follow route back to Chard.
4.1 (GR 375 063) From the church, walk west along Pooles Lane descending gradually for 200m. At end of tarmac by cemetery, continue ahead on grassy track then a narrow path for 400m, to pass through a gate and then ahead to a stile in the hedge and ahead again to reach a stile and gate to a road. Go L and follow 600m descending gradually and crossing the railway bridge and a stream to reach a junction. Go straight ahead through metal kissing gate (SP River Axe) and follow obvious path with river on L 250m to metal gate, then bear slightly L passing the rear of Forde Abbey for 550m to reach and cross footbridge over River Axe. Go R 70m, cross small stream and bear L ascending to stile by wooden gate. Follow track passing a large lake (maybe a new reservoir under construction) to reach a broad crossing track. Go R and follow 300m bearing L to reach road. Go R and follow 1.3Km to junction by Broadbride Cottage. Go R 150m crossing river and just before railway crossing turn L on gravel path (SP Westford).
4.2 (GR 341 048) Follow gravel path at first close to the (Exeter to London Waterloo) railway line and then close to the river for 650m to reach bridge on L crossing river. Do not cross, but bear R to wooden gate and cross the railway line with great care to another wooden gate. Follow river a few metres, then bear slightly R across wooden bridge and just beyond, fork L to join hedge keeping it to R. Follow 100m to top of field then go through metal gate then L over double stile. Go R with hedge on R 180m to field corner, then L still with hedge on R 60m then through Bristol gate on R. Then go L 70m to stile then ahead with hedge on L to cross another stile. Bear 45 degrees R on faint path to metal gate and continue in same direction to gate by electricity pole to reach track. Go R and immediately L through Bristol gate and follow with hedge on R to double stile. Cross and bear 45 degrees R to stile between barn and house then ahead 40m to tarmac road in the hamlet of Chilson.
4.3 (GR 327 037) Go L along road for 200m and just beyond cottage bear L to metal gate. Bear slightly R 400m passing to R of the first electricity pole then to the L of the second pole to a gate in the corner of the field. Continue along to a hedge gap along broad grassy track to field then straight ahead to gate and road. Cross with great care into Storridge Lane and follow 600m at first ascending and then descending to a junction. Continue ahead 850m to the pretty village of Chardstock and just beyond the War Memorial go R (SP Chard). Ascend gently 300m to junction by derestriction sign and fork R (SP Chard). Ascend gently 600m to junction and go L (SP Chard). The road now flattens for 1.2Km with good views to reach junction. Go L (SP Cotley) 250m to junction in front of large white house and then L 50m and then R (No Through Road). At the end of tarmac continue ahead on track passing farm buildings and a plantation of trees. After 600m follow as track bears L (SP Unmetalled Road) and continue 750m to join road. Go ahead 70m then go R (no sign) for 600m ignoring L turn and follow as road goes R 1Km to junction.
4.4 (GR 307 079) Go R and follow road 200m to where it bears sharp R. Stop to admire the wide view, then continue descending 900m on stony track past two large barns to join tarmac track to reach road.. Go straight across along tarmac path becoming a residential street 250m to junction. Go L for 250m crossing road at pedestrian crossing then first R into Coronation Street. Follow 120m to and then go R, cross at pedestrian crossing then L at roundabout and almost immediately R into Mill Lane. After 120m go L into Boden Street (GR 323 085)
Chard has bus services to Taunton, Yeovil and Axminster. For timetables see
Suggested transport plan:
Park in Boden Street, Chard and catch bus to Winsham. Follow route back to Chard.