Somerset’s 2nd largest town
to Bradford Abbas and Stoford
Pleasant rural walking along paths,
tracks and quiet lanes
Distance 9.8Km/6.1 miles
Total ascent/descent 123m
Updated December 2024 Comments to [email protected]
1 From the bus-stop (GR560 161), leave the bus station past the pub - William Dampier. Go ahead past the end of Middle Street, then continue ahead past restaurants and cross into Yeo Leisure Park. Beyond the last building on the L, go L and pass under the bridge by the car-park office. Follow footpath 150m on the R side of the car-park to reach the Yeovil Country Park sign. Go along the path 600m then bear R to reach the busy A30 [1.1Km]
2 (GR569 162) Cross over the pedestrian crossing, turn R and go over the bridge above Pen Mill station. Continue for 500m, cross the road just before roundabout and bear L by Golf Club entrance [0.5Km]
3 (GR574 159) Continue on the road through retail park ascending gently 300m to a roundabout. Go ahead on track (no sign) ascending steadily through a ravine (if muddy use the parallel path to the R along the top of the ravine) for 450m to road by golf club crossing [0.8Km]
4 (GR578 155) Go R and follow road 250m descending gently and turn R at junction opposite metal gate. Follow for 650m and continue as road goes 90 degrees L just beyond farm buildings. After 400m pass junction and Bradford Abbas entry sign and follow road 400m to bear R then descending gently and go L just before the railway line to junction. Go R (SP Thornford) under the railway to reach the church(1) and opposite the tower go R by old school and follow road (Mill Lane). After 120m at end of tarmac by thatched cottage, bear R along stony path for 90m and just before metal gate go L along path and cross bridge over River Yeo. Go R along well defined path keeping hedge/river on R for 500m to pass under bridge arch and two kissing gates. Follow path 250m and where hedge bears sharp R go straight ahead 200m to metal gate on to road [3.1Km]
5 (GR577 138) Turn R and follow the road with care 100m as it bears L by Clifton Maybank House(2) and then 100m opposite thatched house go into track and cross stile on L. Ascend gently 250m keeping hedge on L and at end of field go 90 degrees R, still with hedge on L. After 250m just before gate, cross stile on L and head across field 200m slightly to R of the leftmost telegraph pole ahead to locate a stile. (It may prove easier to go round edge of field keeping hedge on R to locate stile). Cross stile and go L 150m along enclosed path (if path overgrown stay in field with hedge on R for 150m then cross to path) then descend 150m to reach tarmac drive and pass under bridge to reach approach road to Yeovil Junction station(3). Go L and follow 150m to road junction. Cross with care and ascend the tarmac Hillside View for 40m then ascend four steps to reach the end of a row of houses Quarry Cottages [1.4Km]
6 (GR568 139) Go R into a narrow path bearing L round former allotments to steps down to a gate. Follow to another gate and bridge and bear slightly L on clear path to reach tarmac track. Cross track to kissing gate and follow path 50m bearing R to reach gate to tarmac track and ascend 100m to road. Go L for 150m then R into a track (SP Two Tower Lane). Follow for 850m passing Jack the Treacle Eater(4) to reach road [1.4Km]
7 (GR564 148) Go straight across, up steps and follow the fingerpost across field 200m to gate and steps down to track. Cross to path and follow generally descending for 700m through woods to reach a kissing gate. Go ahead with hedge on R then bear R to gate into a small field. Go L through second gate and across bridge then R along path to car park office. Go L through Yeo Leisure Park, turning R to reach the bus station [1.5Km]
FOR A SHORTER WALK Distance 2.2 Km/1.4 miles
Follow to the end of point 1 at the A30. Retrace your steps to the start.
For car travellers:
There are car parks (free on Sunday) in Stars Lane or in the Yeo Leisure Park. Alternatively, drive to the retail park in point 3 and start the walk there.
Bars, cafés and restaurants in Yeovil
1 St Mary’s church is 15th century and is remarkable for good carved bench-ends. It is listed Grade I.The mediaeval tower is 27.5m high,
2 Clifton Maybank House was built in the early 16th Century, but much dismantled in 1786 - the main front of the building being transferred to nearby Montacute House. After decline, it became a working farm but the buildings were reconditioned in 1906. It is listed Grade I.
3 Yeovil Junction station was opened in 1860 and is on the railway line from Exeter to London Waterloo. It is also the home of the Yeovil Railway Centre.
4 Jack the Treacle Eater is one of the Barwick Park follies reputedly built to give work to estate labourers in a time of depression during the 1820s.
2 (GR569 162) Cross over the pedestrian crossing, turn R and go over the bridge above Pen Mill station. Continue for 500m, cross the road just before roundabout and bear L by Golf Club entrance [0.5Km]
3 (GR574 159) Continue on the road through retail park ascending gently 300m to a roundabout. Go ahead on track (no sign) ascending steadily through a ravine (if muddy use the parallel path to the R along the top of the ravine) for 450m to road by golf club crossing [0.8Km]
4 (GR578 155) Go R and follow road 250m descending gently and turn R at junction opposite metal gate. Follow for 650m and continue as road goes 90 degrees L just beyond farm buildings. After 400m pass junction and Bradford Abbas entry sign and follow road 400m to bear R then descending gently and go L just before the railway line to junction. Go R (SP Thornford) under the railway to reach the church(1) and opposite the tower go R by old school and follow road (Mill Lane). After 120m at end of tarmac by thatched cottage, bear R along stony path for 90m and just before metal gate go L along path and cross bridge over River Yeo. Go R along well defined path keeping hedge/river on R for 500m to pass under bridge arch and two kissing gates. Follow path 250m and where hedge bears sharp R go straight ahead 200m to metal gate on to road [3.1Km]
5 (GR577 138) Turn R and follow the road with care 100m as it bears L by Clifton Maybank House(2) and then 100m opposite thatched house go into track and cross stile on L. Ascend gently 250m keeping hedge on L and at end of field go 90 degrees R, still with hedge on L. After 250m just before gate, cross stile on L and head across field 200m slightly to R of the leftmost telegraph pole ahead to locate a stile. (It may prove easier to go round edge of field keeping hedge on R to locate stile). Cross stile and go L 150m along enclosed path (if path overgrown stay in field with hedge on R for 150m then cross to path) then descend 150m to reach tarmac drive and pass under bridge to reach approach road to Yeovil Junction station(3). Go L and follow 150m to road junction. Cross with care and ascend the tarmac Hillside View for 40m then ascend four steps to reach the end of a row of houses Quarry Cottages [1.4Km]
6 (GR568 139) Go R into a narrow path bearing L round former allotments to steps down to a gate. Follow to another gate and bridge and bear slightly L on clear path to reach tarmac track. Cross track to kissing gate and follow path 50m bearing R to reach gate to tarmac track and ascend 100m to road. Go L for 150m then R into a track (SP Two Tower Lane). Follow for 850m passing Jack the Treacle Eater(4) to reach road [1.4Km]
7 (GR564 148) Go straight across, up steps and follow the fingerpost across field 200m to gate and steps down to track. Cross to path and follow generally descending for 700m through woods to reach a kissing gate. Go ahead with hedge on R then bear R to gate into a small field. Go L through second gate and across bridge then R along path to car park office. Go L through Yeo Leisure Park, turning R to reach the bus station [1.5Km]
FOR A SHORTER WALK Distance 2.2 Km/1.4 miles
Follow to the end of point 1 at the A30. Retrace your steps to the start.
For car travellers:
There are car parks (free on Sunday) in Stars Lane or in the Yeo Leisure Park. Alternatively, drive to the retail park in point 3 and start the walk there.
Bars, cafés and restaurants in Yeovil
1 St Mary’s church is 15th century and is remarkable for good carved bench-ends. It is listed Grade I.The mediaeval tower is 27.5m high,
2 Clifton Maybank House was built in the early 16th Century, but much dismantled in 1786 - the main front of the building being transferred to nearby Montacute House. After decline, it became a working farm but the buildings were reconditioned in 1906. It is listed Grade I.
3 Yeovil Junction station was opened in 1860 and is on the railway line from Exeter to London Waterloo. It is also the home of the Yeovil Railway Centre.
4 Jack the Treacle Eater is one of the Barwick Park follies reputedly built to give work to estate labourers in a time of depression during the 1820s.