Route 1 Distance 5.6 Km Total ascent 58m
Leave car park, go L along West Street over bridge and immediately R (SP Public Footpath) down narrow tarmac lane which becomes a stony path. After 250m at sharp L bend, go R through waymarked gate and along path at side of field. At end of two fields go through kissing gate, down very steep steps to road and go L. Pass Bedlands Gate Farm and after 50m turn L into track (SP Restricted By-Way) which soon becomes a path along L side of field. Follow for 300m through gate and 30m beyond turn R along broad grass track (no sign). Keep hedge on L ascending gently for 600m to reach lane and go L 400m to crossroads just beyond quarry. Go ahead 300m to reach B3151 at Keeper's Cottage. Cross with care and go L 100m along grass verge to gate (SP Huish Rd). Pass second gate and follow clear path 250m to far L corner of field. Go through small copse, across sleeper bridge and straight across field on well-defined path. At the top of the field go through hedge gap, do not go into field but take narrow waymarked track on R. Follow 500m, descending gently through edge of woodland and follow where it turns sharply L by gates then bear L 100m to gap by fingerpost in corner of field to tarmac road. Go L 900m to junction, then L a few metres and cross into Lower Somerton. After 150m go R along grassy track (SP Public Footpath) beside house and cross small bridge to gate. Ascend field with hedge on L for 100m to reach and cross stile. Go L for 100m to reach metal gate and 10m to R locate kissing gate and follow tarmac path to emerge in The Millands. Continue ahead past the Police Station to reach the Market Place. Continue ahead past two pubs into West St and continue for 300m to reach the Half Moon car park on R.
Route 2 Distance 5.4 Km Total ascent 47m
Leave car park and go L along West Street. After 300m at the Market Place, bear to the R of the Old Town Hall and continue past two pubs into Kirkham Street. Continue ahead past the Police Station into The Millands then ahead along a footpath in front of a row of white houses and bear R to reach a kissing gate. Cross field staying close to the R boundary and after 100m cross the stile on R shortly before the end of the fence. Go down the field with the hedge on R, through a gate and across a bridge and along a short grassy track to emerge in Lower Somerton. Turn L and after 150m, cross the busy B3151 with great care. Turn L and almost immediately R into Huish Road (No Through Road sign) for 400m to entrance to Somerton Randle. Continue 500m to reach waymarked gap by metal gate on R. Go through gap, bear L then ascend gently to the R, then turn R on to track along edge of woods, climbing gently. After 500m, where path leaves woods go ahead through wide gap and follow clear path descending gently across field to cross sleeper bridge. Follow clear path keeping hedge on R for 200m then aim slightly L to gate to road. Go ahead along verge 100m and where road bears sharp L, cross with care and go R along lane by Keepers Cottage. After 300m, go ahead at crossroads past quarry on L and after 400m go R through metal gate (SP Somerton) and follow path with hedge on R. After 500m enter broad grassy track for 100m to junction. Go R for 60m, through gate and bear L to follow well defined path in a shallow valley across two fields to a stone stile to a road. Go L and ascend gently up Pesters Lane to reach West Street. Go L and the Half Moon car park is 200m on R.
Route 3 Distance 6.3 Km Total ascent 71m
Leave car park and go L along West Street. After 300m at the Market Place go L through the churchyard passing to R of the church and at churchyard exit turn R along short path to Cow Square, with its restored Edwardian Coronation trough. Go straight ahead along New Street for 400m and just past the Old School House descend grassy track to L of house called “Cockspurs”. After 150m when track joins a tarmac road by building marked “Gas Installation”, go ahead 100m to T-junction and turn L (SP Street). Go along the narrow pavement crossing the bridge over the River Cary, with a fine view of the railway viaduct, and 100m beyond go R (SP Lytes Cary). After 300m along this very busy road, bear L (SP Hurcot) and follow the lane alongside and then under the railway as it snakes around the side of the Cary valley. Pass under the bridge and 30m beyond go straight up the track to L of cottage (no sign), through gate and continue along L boundary of field to reach tarmac lane. Turn L and follow tarmac track for 500m passing to R of modern house, then straight across field on well defined path to descend steps to reach stile into wooded area. Go through wooded area and cross stile on L, then bear R and continue 550m with hedge on R to emerge on the busy B3151. Go L with great care for 300m then go R into Littleton and after 200m reach pond. Turn L and go through metal gate to L of buildings and then through small gate into field. Continue with hedge on L roughly parallel to road for 900m through gates. At the gate with view of the viaduct and a pedestrian gate on L go 90 degrees R downhill for 350m firstly with fence on R and then to R of line of shrubs to reach and cross bridge over River Cary. Continue ahead between fishing lakes and at car park go ahead to ascend a steep footpath. At the top, continue ahead to climb steps, cross the tarmac road by the beech tree and follow gravel path 250m past the cemetery to emerge at road. Go L a few metres, cross to metal gate and follow path 300m by railway to reach West Street by Half Moon car park.
Route 4 Distance 5.4 Km Total ascent 46m
Leave car park into West Street, turn L and immediately L through kissing gate along path by railway. At road by bridge continue along path above railway to reach road. Cross road, go L and immediately R on gravel path beside cemetery for 250m to reach Cedar Grove. Go L for 50m then bear R into Beech Grove for 400m and turn R (SP Viaduct Fishery) to descend steeply down to the Cary valley. Follow this road as it winds along valley past the sewage works until after 2Km a T-junction is reached just beyond Etsome Dairy Farm. Turn L climbing gently at first but then enjoying good views to L. After 1.5Km at junction by school, do not turn R into Northfield, but continue ahead for 300m and follow as road bears R for 300m to reach Fire Station. Go L (Behind Berry) and after 200m go R along Queens Road. After 100m at junction, go L along King Ina Rd and after 100m between numbers 36 and 38, go R along tarmac track and through squeeze to emerge at the rear of the Half Moon car park.
Route 5 Distance 5.9 Km Total ascent 48mExit through rear of car park through metal squeeze and short track. At road, go L100m then R along Queens Rd for 100m. At junction, go L along Behind Berry for 200m to Fire Station. Go R into Etsome Terrace and follow as road bears sharp L at the top of Brockle Hill. After 300m, where houses end, do not go L into Northfield, but go straight ahead (No Through Road) past school exit and follow this level road with excellent views to R. After 1Km the road starts to descend and after 300m reach a signposted bridleway on L. Go L and follow the undulating track for 1.2Km as it bears sharp R then sharp L and then ascends steeply to reach a junction of tracks. Go L and continue for 150m, now climbing more gently. to reach a tarmac road and follow for 1Km to a junction. Go L for 40m then R into Northfield Way. Follow as it bears R and just beyond the last house on the L go through metal squeeze into Highfield Way. Continue for 250m to junction and go L into Behind Berry for 150m to junction beside Fire Station. Go R 50m to mini-roundabout and then L into Langport Road past the Royal Oak pub. The Half Moon car park is 300m on the L just beyond the Triangle.
Route 6 Distance 5.7 Km Total ascent 45mLeave car park, go R and after 100m fork R (SP Langport) then 300m to mini roundabout. Go R, cross the road with care and turn L along Behind Berry just before Fire Station. After 150m go R into Highfield Way. After 250m go through metal squeeze on the R pavement into Northfield Way 150m as it bears L to reach junction. Go L for 40m then R (No Through Road). After 1Km at end of tarmac, go ahead descending gently. After 150m, ignore R turn at track junction but descend steep stony track and after 400m, reach road. Go L, ascending gently for 300m and bearing R to reach road junction. Turn L, ascending gradually for 750m to reach a road junction. Go R (SP Westcombe) for 250m to another junction and go L. Follow this lane for 350m to a road junction. Go straight across through gate into field by new housing development and continue ahead keeping hedge on R. At the next gate, go ahead into an enclosed track and after 200m bear R to emerge on to Langport Road opposite the Sports Field. Turn L passing Gassons Lane and after 250m take the next R, West End. After 200m, at the grass triangle, go L into Camden Road, then bear R by entrance to Camden Orchard. At the end of row of cottages go L 250m to emerge on West Street. Go R and Half Moon car park is 100m on L.
Route 7 Distance 4.4 Km Total ascent 13mLeave car park and go R along West Street. At fork by post box go R (SP Langport) and after 200m go L into West End. After 250m go sharp R (Camden Road) bearing L after 70m to reach junction beside grass triangle. Bear R for 150m to reach Langport Rd. Bear L and after 200m at Gassons Lane, cross to opposite pavement, continuing towards Langport. Cross Westholm Road and after 50m, turn R into a track beside bus stop (SP Bridleway) and follow enclosed track to a gate. Cross field by new housing development with hedge on L to reach a gate. Go through gate, go L and follow road with care for 250m to a junction. Go L for 70m and cross with care into Ricksey Lane (no sign). Follow for 750m bearing sharp R then L over the railway with view of Somerton tunnel to R. Ignore R turn just beyond and continue 400m to junction. Go L, passing Somerton entry sign and continue with care over bridge and 200m beyond ignore L and R turns. Continue 500m to the Triangle. Go ahead 100m and Half Moon car park is on L.
Route 8 Distance 4.3 Km Total ascent 14m
Leave car park and turn R along West Street. After 100m at fork by the post box go L along Sutton Road. After 400m go ahead at staggered crossroads, cross the railway bridge and continue with care 200m to R fork by a seat just beyond the Somerton entry sign. Fork R into lane (7.5t restriction). After 400m ignore L turn but bear round R to bridge over railway with view of Somerton tunnel to L. Continue along tarmac road, at first 150m beside railway then round a sharp L bend and continue 750m to Langport Road. Turn L, cross with care and turn R into Cartway Lane. Just beyond “Freshfields” with road to L, go R through gate (SP Bridleway) beside new housing development and keep hedge on R. At gate, go ahead into an enclosed track and follow to emerge on to Langport Road opposite the Sports Field. Turn L pass Gassons Lane and after 250m take the next R, West End. After 200m, at the grass triangle, go L into Camden Road, then bear R at Camden Orchard. At the end of row of cottages bear L for 250m to reach West Street. Go R and the Half Moon car park is 250m on L.
Route 9 Distance 6.1Km Total ascent 28m
Leave car park and go R along West Street. At The Triangle by post box, fork L (Sutton Road). After 200m turn L into Great Western Lane and follow through housing development. Follow the road as it bears L under the railway bridge and continue ahead ascending gently for 800m to a crossroads. Continue ahead for 1.3Km to a junction by Trout Cottage. Turn L and follow lane for 1.5Km to a junction close to quarry. Go L for 300m then R through Bristol gate and along path, keeping hedge on R. After 500m enter enclosed track for 100m to junction. Go L for 30m, through gate and continue, now with hedge on R. At end of field enter track for 100m to reach road. Go R and follow, descending gradually and 100m beyond Bedlands Gate Farm ascend steep steps on R (SP West Street). At top of steps, bear L and follow path along edge of fields to reach a gate leading to a track. Go L and follow the track ascending gently to reach West Street. Go L for 20m and Half Moon car park is over the road
Route 10 Distance 5.8Km Total ascent 34m
Leave car park and turn L over the railway bridge and continue along West Street for 200m. Fork R into Pesters Lane and follow downhill for 400m to mini-roundabout. 50m beyond go R over stone stile and follow track for 250m ascending gently across two fields in shallow valley and at top go through gate 60m to track junction. Go L along grassy track and into field keeping hedge on L 500m to road. Go L for 300m to first junction and turn R. Follow 1.5Km to reach Trout Cottage. At junction, go R along lane for 1.3Km to crossroads. Go straight ahead (low bridge sign) and follow 700m past Bedlands Gate Farm.100m beyond climb steps on R (SP West St). Through kissing gate go L and follow path along fields to reach a gate to a track. Go L and follow track 250m ascending gently to reach West Street. Go L for 20m to Half Moon car park across the road.
Martyn Smith September 2023 Comments to [email protected]
Leave car park, go L along West Street over bridge and immediately R (SP Public Footpath) down narrow tarmac lane which becomes a stony path. After 250m at sharp L bend, go R through waymarked gate and along path at side of field. At end of two fields go through kissing gate, down very steep steps to road and go L. Pass Bedlands Gate Farm and after 50m turn L into track (SP Restricted By-Way) which soon becomes a path along L side of field. Follow for 300m through gate and 30m beyond turn R along broad grass track (no sign). Keep hedge on L ascending gently for 600m to reach lane and go L 400m to crossroads just beyond quarry. Go ahead 300m to reach B3151 at Keeper's Cottage. Cross with care and go L 100m along grass verge to gate (SP Huish Rd). Pass second gate and follow clear path 250m to far L corner of field. Go through small copse, across sleeper bridge and straight across field on well-defined path. At the top of the field go through hedge gap, do not go into field but take narrow waymarked track on R. Follow 500m, descending gently through edge of woodland and follow where it turns sharply L by gates then bear L 100m to gap by fingerpost in corner of field to tarmac road. Go L 900m to junction, then L a few metres and cross into Lower Somerton. After 150m go R along grassy track (SP Public Footpath) beside house and cross small bridge to gate. Ascend field with hedge on L for 100m to reach and cross stile. Go L for 100m to reach metal gate and 10m to R locate kissing gate and follow tarmac path to emerge in The Millands. Continue ahead past the Police Station to reach the Market Place. Continue ahead past two pubs into West St and continue for 300m to reach the Half Moon car park on R.
Route 2 Distance 5.4 Km Total ascent 47m
Leave car park and go L along West Street. After 300m at the Market Place, bear to the R of the Old Town Hall and continue past two pubs into Kirkham Street. Continue ahead past the Police Station into The Millands then ahead along a footpath in front of a row of white houses and bear R to reach a kissing gate. Cross field staying close to the R boundary and after 100m cross the stile on R shortly before the end of the fence. Go down the field with the hedge on R, through a gate and across a bridge and along a short grassy track to emerge in Lower Somerton. Turn L and after 150m, cross the busy B3151 with great care. Turn L and almost immediately R into Huish Road (No Through Road sign) for 400m to entrance to Somerton Randle. Continue 500m to reach waymarked gap by metal gate on R. Go through gap, bear L then ascend gently to the R, then turn R on to track along edge of woods, climbing gently. After 500m, where path leaves woods go ahead through wide gap and follow clear path descending gently across field to cross sleeper bridge. Follow clear path keeping hedge on R for 200m then aim slightly L to gate to road. Go ahead along verge 100m and where road bears sharp L, cross with care and go R along lane by Keepers Cottage. After 300m, go ahead at crossroads past quarry on L and after 400m go R through metal gate (SP Somerton) and follow path with hedge on R. After 500m enter broad grassy track for 100m to junction. Go R for 60m, through gate and bear L to follow well defined path in a shallow valley across two fields to a stone stile to a road. Go L and ascend gently up Pesters Lane to reach West Street. Go L and the Half Moon car park is 200m on R.
Route 3 Distance 6.3 Km Total ascent 71m
Leave car park and go L along West Street. After 300m at the Market Place go L through the churchyard passing to R of the church and at churchyard exit turn R along short path to Cow Square, with its restored Edwardian Coronation trough. Go straight ahead along New Street for 400m and just past the Old School House descend grassy track to L of house called “Cockspurs”. After 150m when track joins a tarmac road by building marked “Gas Installation”, go ahead 100m to T-junction and turn L (SP Street). Go along the narrow pavement crossing the bridge over the River Cary, with a fine view of the railway viaduct, and 100m beyond go R (SP Lytes Cary). After 300m along this very busy road, bear L (SP Hurcot) and follow the lane alongside and then under the railway as it snakes around the side of the Cary valley. Pass under the bridge and 30m beyond go straight up the track to L of cottage (no sign), through gate and continue along L boundary of field to reach tarmac lane. Turn L and follow tarmac track for 500m passing to R of modern house, then straight across field on well defined path to descend steps to reach stile into wooded area. Go through wooded area and cross stile on L, then bear R and continue 550m with hedge on R to emerge on the busy B3151. Go L with great care for 300m then go R into Littleton and after 200m reach pond. Turn L and go through metal gate to L of buildings and then through small gate into field. Continue with hedge on L roughly parallel to road for 900m through gates. At the gate with view of the viaduct and a pedestrian gate on L go 90 degrees R downhill for 350m firstly with fence on R and then to R of line of shrubs to reach and cross bridge over River Cary. Continue ahead between fishing lakes and at car park go ahead to ascend a steep footpath. At the top, continue ahead to climb steps, cross the tarmac road by the beech tree and follow gravel path 250m past the cemetery to emerge at road. Go L a few metres, cross to metal gate and follow path 300m by railway to reach West Street by Half Moon car park.
Route 4 Distance 5.4 Km Total ascent 46m
Leave car park into West Street, turn L and immediately L through kissing gate along path by railway. At road by bridge continue along path above railway to reach road. Cross road, go L and immediately R on gravel path beside cemetery for 250m to reach Cedar Grove. Go L for 50m then bear R into Beech Grove for 400m and turn R (SP Viaduct Fishery) to descend steeply down to the Cary valley. Follow this road as it winds along valley past the sewage works until after 2Km a T-junction is reached just beyond Etsome Dairy Farm. Turn L climbing gently at first but then enjoying good views to L. After 1.5Km at junction by school, do not turn R into Northfield, but continue ahead for 300m and follow as road bears R for 300m to reach Fire Station. Go L (Behind Berry) and after 200m go R along Queens Road. After 100m at junction, go L along King Ina Rd and after 100m between numbers 36 and 38, go R along tarmac track and through squeeze to emerge at the rear of the Half Moon car park.
Route 5 Distance 5.9 Km Total ascent 48mExit through rear of car park through metal squeeze and short track. At road, go L100m then R along Queens Rd for 100m. At junction, go L along Behind Berry for 200m to Fire Station. Go R into Etsome Terrace and follow as road bears sharp L at the top of Brockle Hill. After 300m, where houses end, do not go L into Northfield, but go straight ahead (No Through Road) past school exit and follow this level road with excellent views to R. After 1Km the road starts to descend and after 300m reach a signposted bridleway on L. Go L and follow the undulating track for 1.2Km as it bears sharp R then sharp L and then ascends steeply to reach a junction of tracks. Go L and continue for 150m, now climbing more gently. to reach a tarmac road and follow for 1Km to a junction. Go L for 40m then R into Northfield Way. Follow as it bears R and just beyond the last house on the L go through metal squeeze into Highfield Way. Continue for 250m to junction and go L into Behind Berry for 150m to junction beside Fire Station. Go R 50m to mini-roundabout and then L into Langport Road past the Royal Oak pub. The Half Moon car park is 300m on the L just beyond the Triangle.
Route 6 Distance 5.7 Km Total ascent 45mLeave car park, go R and after 100m fork R (SP Langport) then 300m to mini roundabout. Go R, cross the road with care and turn L along Behind Berry just before Fire Station. After 150m go R into Highfield Way. After 250m go through metal squeeze on the R pavement into Northfield Way 150m as it bears L to reach junction. Go L for 40m then R (No Through Road). After 1Km at end of tarmac, go ahead descending gently. After 150m, ignore R turn at track junction but descend steep stony track and after 400m, reach road. Go L, ascending gently for 300m and bearing R to reach road junction. Turn L, ascending gradually for 750m to reach a road junction. Go R (SP Westcombe) for 250m to another junction and go L. Follow this lane for 350m to a road junction. Go straight across through gate into field by new housing development and continue ahead keeping hedge on R. At the next gate, go ahead into an enclosed track and after 200m bear R to emerge on to Langport Road opposite the Sports Field. Turn L passing Gassons Lane and after 250m take the next R, West End. After 200m, at the grass triangle, go L into Camden Road, then bear R by entrance to Camden Orchard. At the end of row of cottages go L 250m to emerge on West Street. Go R and Half Moon car park is 100m on L.
Route 7 Distance 4.4 Km Total ascent 13mLeave car park and go R along West Street. At fork by post box go R (SP Langport) and after 200m go L into West End. After 250m go sharp R (Camden Road) bearing L after 70m to reach junction beside grass triangle. Bear R for 150m to reach Langport Rd. Bear L and after 200m at Gassons Lane, cross to opposite pavement, continuing towards Langport. Cross Westholm Road and after 50m, turn R into a track beside bus stop (SP Bridleway) and follow enclosed track to a gate. Cross field by new housing development with hedge on L to reach a gate. Go through gate, go L and follow road with care for 250m to a junction. Go L for 70m and cross with care into Ricksey Lane (no sign). Follow for 750m bearing sharp R then L over the railway with view of Somerton tunnel to R. Ignore R turn just beyond and continue 400m to junction. Go L, passing Somerton entry sign and continue with care over bridge and 200m beyond ignore L and R turns. Continue 500m to the Triangle. Go ahead 100m and Half Moon car park is on L.
Route 8 Distance 4.3 Km Total ascent 14m
Leave car park and turn R along West Street. After 100m at fork by the post box go L along Sutton Road. After 400m go ahead at staggered crossroads, cross the railway bridge and continue with care 200m to R fork by a seat just beyond the Somerton entry sign. Fork R into lane (7.5t restriction). After 400m ignore L turn but bear round R to bridge over railway with view of Somerton tunnel to L. Continue along tarmac road, at first 150m beside railway then round a sharp L bend and continue 750m to Langport Road. Turn L, cross with care and turn R into Cartway Lane. Just beyond “Freshfields” with road to L, go R through gate (SP Bridleway) beside new housing development and keep hedge on R. At gate, go ahead into an enclosed track and follow to emerge on to Langport Road opposite the Sports Field. Turn L pass Gassons Lane and after 250m take the next R, West End. After 200m, at the grass triangle, go L into Camden Road, then bear R at Camden Orchard. At the end of row of cottages bear L for 250m to reach West Street. Go R and the Half Moon car park is 250m on L.
Route 9 Distance 6.1Km Total ascent 28m
Leave car park and go R along West Street. At The Triangle by post box, fork L (Sutton Road). After 200m turn L into Great Western Lane and follow through housing development. Follow the road as it bears L under the railway bridge and continue ahead ascending gently for 800m to a crossroads. Continue ahead for 1.3Km to a junction by Trout Cottage. Turn L and follow lane for 1.5Km to a junction close to quarry. Go L for 300m then R through Bristol gate and along path, keeping hedge on R. After 500m enter enclosed track for 100m to junction. Go L for 30m, through gate and continue, now with hedge on R. At end of field enter track for 100m to reach road. Go R and follow, descending gradually and 100m beyond Bedlands Gate Farm ascend steep steps on R (SP West Street). At top of steps, bear L and follow path along edge of fields to reach a gate leading to a track. Go L and follow the track ascending gently to reach West Street. Go L for 20m and Half Moon car park is over the road
Route 10 Distance 5.8Km Total ascent 34m
Leave car park and turn L over the railway bridge and continue along West Street for 200m. Fork R into Pesters Lane and follow downhill for 400m to mini-roundabout. 50m beyond go R over stone stile and follow track for 250m ascending gently across two fields in shallow valley and at top go through gate 60m to track junction. Go L along grassy track and into field keeping hedge on L 500m to road. Go L for 300m to first junction and turn R. Follow 1.5Km to reach Trout Cottage. At junction, go R along lane for 1.3Km to crossroads. Go straight ahead (low bridge sign) and follow 700m past Bedlands Gate Farm.100m beyond climb steps on R (SP West St). Through kissing gate go L and follow path along fields to reach a gate to a track. Go L and follow track 250m ascending gently to reach West Street. Go L for 20m to Half Moon car park across the road.
Martyn Smith September 2023 Comments to [email protected]