A (GR487285) Leave car park and go L along West Street. After 200m at the Market Place, bear to the R of the Old Town Hall past two pubs and go ahead into Kirkham Street. Continue past the Police Station into The Millands then straight along a footpath in front of a row of white houses and bear R to reach a kissing gate. Go across field 100m close to the R boundary and cross the stile on R shortly before the end of the fence. Go down field 200m with hedge on R, through gate, across bridge and along grassy track to emerge in Lower Somerton. Turn L and after 150m, reach the busy B3151 and cross with care. Go L and immediately R (No Through Road) and follow 400m to entrance to Somerton Randle, then 500m to squeeze stile by metal gate [2.1Km]
B (GR506283) Continue along road for 750m and at the end of tarmac, go through gate on L and bear R across field to far hedge (it may be easier to go round field anticlockwise with hedge on R) to reach bridge across the River Cary. Go ahead 400m on clear path to green barn. Cross stile to road and go L 300m passing Hallr Wood, then go R up stony track (no sign) and ascend steeply to cross Sug Lane bridge over railway line and after further 400m reach crossroads by Priory Farm [3.1Km]
C (GR522290) Turn R descending gently 550m and just beyond “30” sign go L across field (SP Kingweston Road) to road. Go L 200m and then R along track by house called Badger’s Brook. Beyond house and Bristol gate, continue on grassy track. When track ends at another Bristol gate, follow path across field to Bristol gate to R of tree in L corner. Follow waymark across field aiming to R of left group of houses for 650m to reach road (if the field is cropped go round the L edge to the gate). Cross road with care to lane opposite (no through road) passing to R of Lower Farm. After 450m road bears sharp L by sports field [2.6Km]
D (GR 528311) Go R by large convex mirror and bin store along track for 250m and pass houses on L. Go along grassy track 300m as it bears L just before field then R to reach Bristol gate. Go ahead 200m with hedge on R ignoring wooden gate on R by small pond, but follow round to Bristol gate in far L corner. Continue ahead along track with hedge on L. After 400m go L between farm buildings and house and bear R along track to pass church. At road, go straight ahead 250m to go R at junction by war memorial and follow road 100m bearing L. to junction (No Through Road). Follow Blind Lane for 250m and where tarmac ends continue along track for 200m to junction by metal gate. Go L along track for 300m to short track to road. Go L and after 250m straight across crossroads into Church Street and after 200m, where it bears L by Gregory’s Orchard go R along track (SP Public Highway). After 150m cross stile on L just before ford and go round field with fence and stream on R. Where fence bends R go ahead 50m to cross double stile and sleeper bridge then go R to stile by barn to road. Go L climbing gently for 1Km to Butleigh sign. After a further 100m fork L (no sign) and ascend gently for 800m to grass triangle at Butleigh Cross and continue straight ahead [5.4Km]
E (GR521324) Follow 850m past Higher Hill Farm to junction, then go L 250m to another junction then straight across through pedestrian gate to L of white gate to track. Go ahead for 600m alongside solar panel array and follow as fence bears L. After 100m, by gates, go sharp R 50m to locate waymarked path descending along side of valley with stream on the R. At the bottom bear R crossing stream to small clearing then straight ahead ascending 100m to junction. Bear R and ascend waymarked track for 800m. At top follow waymark to R with barbed wire on R for 100m and where it bears L follow waymarked path for 500m to cross stile on L. Follow Polden Way sign to edge of steep slope and along faint track down hill to Bristol gate in far corner. Cross and bear R with line of trees on R to road. Go straight across down field, keeping hedge on R, to a Bristol gate and short track to a road. Follow under bridge then 750m to junction and bear R [4.7Km]
F (GR498291) Continue with care 400m to T-junction. Go L, cross over and follow the pavement 250m as it crosses the Cary Bridge with a fine view of the viaduct. Where pavement ends take second R (SP Cycleway 30) and at the top of the hill continue into New Street for 50m, then go L through the metal squeeze up steps and follow short tarmac path into The Millands. Continue along the R pavement and at the end turn R to pass the Police Station and go L down the steep Parsonage Hill to reach mini-roundabout and go R. [1.3Km].
G (GR492283) Ascend gently up Pesters Lane to reach junction with West Street. Go L and the car park is 200m on the R. [0.5Km]
FOR A SLOG 19.7Km Total ascent 248m www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/61827044
Follow entire route
FOR A STRIDE 15.5Km Total ascent 199m www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/61824720
Follow to the end of paragraph C. Follow road as it bears L and continue ahead for 400m. The road becomes a track passing the tall-spired church to reach a junction by North Lodge. Continue straight ahead along road for 900m to the grass triangle by Butleigh Cross and go L (no sign). Follow from para E. [1.5Km]
FOR A STROLL 10.3Km Total ascent 129m www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/59760998
Follow to the end of paragraph B. Turn L, ascend gently for 600m then descend to a junction. Bear R on to a tarmac road and after 100m bear L (SP B3153 Somerton). With care go 400m and turn R along tarmac lane (Low Bridge). Follow this lane through Hurcot to rejoin the B3153. Continue from para F [3.1Km]
FOR A SAUNTER 5.2Km Total ascent 47m www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/59759808
Follow to the end of paragraph A. Cross stile and ascend gently L then bear R to track along edge of woods, ascending gently. When path leaves woods go through wide gap and descend on clear path across field to cross sleeper bridge and small copse. Follow path keeping hedge on the R for 200m to reach gate to road. Go ahead along verge and where road bears sharp L, cross with care and go along lane by Keepers Cottage. After 250m go ahead at crossroads and after 350m go R through metal gate (SP Somerton) and follow path, with hedge on R. After 400m enter track for 100m to junction. Go R and follow path through gate and along clear path to cross a stone stile to a road. Go L and follow from paragraph G [2.6Km]
B (GR506283) Continue along road for 750m and at the end of tarmac, go through gate on L and bear R across field to far hedge (it may be easier to go round field anticlockwise with hedge on R) to reach bridge across the River Cary. Go ahead 400m on clear path to green barn. Cross stile to road and go L 300m passing Hallr Wood, then go R up stony track (no sign) and ascend steeply to cross Sug Lane bridge over railway line and after further 400m reach crossroads by Priory Farm [3.1Km]
C (GR522290) Turn R descending gently 550m and just beyond “30” sign go L across field (SP Kingweston Road) to road. Go L 200m and then R along track by house called Badger’s Brook. Beyond house and Bristol gate, continue on grassy track. When track ends at another Bristol gate, follow path across field to Bristol gate to R of tree in L corner. Follow waymark across field aiming to R of left group of houses for 650m to reach road (if the field is cropped go round the L edge to the gate). Cross road with care to lane opposite (no through road) passing to R of Lower Farm. After 450m road bears sharp L by sports field [2.6Km]
D (GR 528311) Go R by large convex mirror and bin store along track for 250m and pass houses on L. Go along grassy track 300m as it bears L just before field then R to reach Bristol gate. Go ahead 200m with hedge on R ignoring wooden gate on R by small pond, but follow round to Bristol gate in far L corner. Continue ahead along track with hedge on L. After 400m go L between farm buildings and house and bear R along track to pass church. At road, go straight ahead 250m to go R at junction by war memorial and follow road 100m bearing L. to junction (No Through Road). Follow Blind Lane for 250m and where tarmac ends continue along track for 200m to junction by metal gate. Go L along track for 300m to short track to road. Go L and after 250m straight across crossroads into Church Street and after 200m, where it bears L by Gregory’s Orchard go R along track (SP Public Highway). After 150m cross stile on L just before ford and go round field with fence and stream on R. Where fence bends R go ahead 50m to cross double stile and sleeper bridge then go R to stile by barn to road. Go L climbing gently for 1Km to Butleigh sign. After a further 100m fork L (no sign) and ascend gently for 800m to grass triangle at Butleigh Cross and continue straight ahead [5.4Km]
E (GR521324) Follow 850m past Higher Hill Farm to junction, then go L 250m to another junction then straight across through pedestrian gate to L of white gate to track. Go ahead for 600m alongside solar panel array and follow as fence bears L. After 100m, by gates, go sharp R 50m to locate waymarked path descending along side of valley with stream on the R. At the bottom bear R crossing stream to small clearing then straight ahead ascending 100m to junction. Bear R and ascend waymarked track for 800m. At top follow waymark to R with barbed wire on R for 100m and where it bears L follow waymarked path for 500m to cross stile on L. Follow Polden Way sign to edge of steep slope and along faint track down hill to Bristol gate in far corner. Cross and bear R with line of trees on R to road. Go straight across down field, keeping hedge on R, to a Bristol gate and short track to a road. Follow under bridge then 750m to junction and bear R [4.7Km]
F (GR498291) Continue with care 400m to T-junction. Go L, cross over and follow the pavement 250m as it crosses the Cary Bridge with a fine view of the viaduct. Where pavement ends take second R (SP Cycleway 30) and at the top of the hill continue into New Street for 50m, then go L through the metal squeeze up steps and follow short tarmac path into The Millands. Continue along the R pavement and at the end turn R to pass the Police Station and go L down the steep Parsonage Hill to reach mini-roundabout and go R. [1.3Km].
G (GR492283) Ascend gently up Pesters Lane to reach junction with West Street. Go L and the car park is 200m on the R. [0.5Km]
FOR A SLOG 19.7Km Total ascent 248m www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/61827044
Follow entire route
FOR A STRIDE 15.5Km Total ascent 199m www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/61824720
Follow to the end of paragraph C. Follow road as it bears L and continue ahead for 400m. The road becomes a track passing the tall-spired church to reach a junction by North Lodge. Continue straight ahead along road for 900m to the grass triangle by Butleigh Cross and go L (no sign). Follow from para E. [1.5Km]
FOR A STROLL 10.3Km Total ascent 129m www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/59760998
Follow to the end of paragraph B. Turn L, ascend gently for 600m then descend to a junction. Bear R on to a tarmac road and after 100m bear L (SP B3153 Somerton). With care go 400m and turn R along tarmac lane (Low Bridge). Follow this lane through Hurcot to rejoin the B3153. Continue from para F [3.1Km]
FOR A SAUNTER 5.2Km Total ascent 47m www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/59759808
Follow to the end of paragraph A. Cross stile and ascend gently L then bear R to track along edge of woods, ascending gently. When path leaves woods go through wide gap and descend on clear path across field to cross sleeper bridge and small copse. Follow path keeping hedge on the R for 200m to reach gate to road. Go ahead along verge and where road bears sharp L, cross with care and go along lane by Keepers Cottage. After 250m go ahead at crossroads and after 350m go R through metal gate (SP Somerton) and follow path, with hedge on R. After 400m enter track for 100m to junction. Go R and follow path through gate and along clear path to cross a stone stile to a road. Go L and follow from paragraph G [2.6Km]